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" Mom, Mom, hurry up the race is about to start!" 12-year-old Adelaide shouted pulling at her mother's sleeve as she tried and failed to make her walk faster. They were going to Greenwall Hill's Annual Winter Biathlon Race. It was a mix of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting that most children in Norway learn at least the basics of.

" Mom, Johnson is winning again! " Adelaide announced excitedly as her cousin skied across the red ribbon. Even at the young age of 12, Adelaide has been training for almost 6 years as a Biathlon competitor and her trainer said that she was truly gifted at it. She was to take part in the annual race next year, which she was already preparing for. If only she realised what was coming next year or rather who.


1 year later

" Welcome to the Annual Greenwall Hill Winter Biathlon Race. Coming up is the competitors under 15 that will be competing. As most of you know this year is the 16th choosing which means those competing is also be competing for a spot in The Icy Brotherhood and this year there is a special announcement." The commentator shouted excitedly over the loudspeaker. " This is the first year which Mr. Alexandro Morque will be taking in a female student. So, girls on your marks. Get set. Go!!!!"

Adelaide skied with all her might for she had heard about the announcement and wanted to get that place. Aiming as her coach had taught her, she shot at the target but missed one. Instead of giving up, she continued the race and fought for a placing in the race, she ended up in third place.

A little upset for not winning, Adelaide sat by the track cleaning her skates alone. Then a pair of sleek black winter boots crunched the snow in front of her. Slowly looking up, she found herself staring at the legendary Alexandro Morque.

"Mr. Morque!" she gasped jumping out of her seat.

" Hello, Adelaide," he said, with a knowing look on his face. " Are you upset that you didn't win, dear?"

" A little, sir, but who does not, right?" she said, giving him a bittersweet smile.

" Of course, but I have better news for you, Adelaide. I want to take you as my student."

Adelaide could only stare at him with wide eyes and an open mouth." Really, sir but why? I didn't win after all."

" Dear girl, I don't choose the winners I choose those who love this sport and are determined with a strong will to thoroughly take this sport to the world. I can see that you are determined and with a little help you will show the world who Adelaide West is."

" Thank you, sir!" she said saluting him

Alexandro looked the petite yet spirited girl in front of him and smiled softly, just a slight tilt of his mouth as he envisioned her in the future. Breaking into a full out grin he said to her," Welcome to The Icy Brotherhood, Adelaide West, Student number 16. Get packed dear, we are flying out to the mountains after the annual race wraps up.

And so, Adelaide boarded a plane to the mountain ranges in her country that winter together with Alexandro and the other new student, Jackson, who soon became her best friend. As she looked out of the plane, she thought about the future. For she was flying towards a new life, new friends and, most of all, A New Beginning.



Adelaide sat in her bedroom. She had just had a walk of shame from a hotel room, getting drunk was never a good idea, but she did anyway and now she regrets it. The guy was undeniably hot with distinctive eyes and a smoking aura, but at 15, Adelaide regret it. Especially when she got word that her mother was not getting better from her last heart attack a week ago. Deciding to not let her mother know she cleaned up and washed the smell of sex for her body and went to visit her.

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