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They arrived back at their campus only to pack up for their winter break. Which plane are you taking home?" Adelaide asked Lizzy.

"I got the same one as you so we can be together," Lizzy said passing some clothes to her.

"Nice," Adelaide said smiling.

"Have you told your father?" Lizzy asked her.

"No, I want it to be a surprise." she said.


They arrived back Greenwall Hills in record time, they only found out that they lived in the same town a month ago when Lizzy's mother had sent her a parcel with the address on it. It was really a small, small world.

"Where is your brother?" Adelaide asked curiuosly.

"He's already back at home, I told my mom that I would go back myself since I have something to do before I'm back," Lizzy said as she carried her bags of the conveyer belt. "I'll see you tomorrow for Christmas shopping!"

Adelaide sat in the taxi back home, but her keys did not fit into the lock of her house. Confused, she called up her father, who then opened the door.

"Why did you change the locks," she asked.

"There was a ... a break in sometime ago, so I changed all the locks," her father said helping her with her bags. "Well you go settle down, I'm going to check on the fish in the oven, your aunt is coming over."

" Yay! I'm going to unpack," she ran up the stairs with her as fast as she could.


"Aunt Jasmine!" Adelaide shouted from upstairs as she hear the door opening.

"Adelaide! Your back!" she cried hearing that familliar voice from upstairs.

Her aunt Jasmine was a fashion designer, and she usually sent some of them to Adelaide in her size. They were close because she had been the one to help her when her mother had passed away. In fact Jasmine was her mother's younger sister, born so late that she had only been 9 when Adelaide was born. They couldn't wait to catch up and so they hid in her room and shared everything that had happened while the other was away.

"I'm going to a dinner party tomorrow, come with me," Jasmine said. "It held by a new family in our town."

"A new family?" Adelaide asked wondering who it could be.

"They all wear masks and never show their faces, their like the vigilantes in our town," Jasmine explained."I heard they saved a girl from a sexual assault yet didn't hurt anyone."

"Are you sure its safe to go?"

"They can't do anything to you when there well be so many people there. Besides I heard that their leader is back in Greenwall Hills and he'll be there." Jasmine was getting excited.

"Fine but only because you asked me to go," Adelaide agreed. Honestly she too was curious about who they were.


The next morning, Lizzy arrived early in the morning with her car to go shopping. She greeted Mr West before storming into her room pulling her blanket off while jumping onto Adelaide.

"Get off! get off! I'm up!" Adelaide shouted as she tried to push her off.

"Hurry up we have a day of shopping, manicures and a hair stylist to meet," Lizzy said hopping off before going to her suitcase to pick out something for her lazy ass friend.

Adelaide got up and cleaned up before changing and packing some nessecites. After that, they hopped onto the car and drove off to the biggest shopping mall in their town.

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