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Once I returned home, I began the task of packing my belongings, even though I was to leave by the end of the week, I don't like last minute packing, rushing gives me anxiety that I may have left things behind, my cat Dasiy will be staying with Rosie, since bringing a cat seems very impractical since I will only be in New york for work and once my work is complete I will be back in Paris

My thought trailed to what may occurr during my stay, I tried not to overthink it, I am only causing problems for my self that most likely not happen, no point in making a big fuss, I am not the same meek girl anymore, whatever may happen I can handle it

As I checked my lists, looking what was done, and what needed to be down still, a knock came from the door interrupting me briefly, I set down my list and made my way to the door

And there he stood, as I opened the door, only to be greeted with the pestering man smiling bigger than the chesire cat

"Lucas" I acknowledge, as his eyes met mine, I tried to keep a calm and friendly vibe, since we shall be working side by side, so a passive, peaceful somewhat friendship like relationship is needed to keep the balance, plus I can be friendly and so can he "What are you doing here?" I asked curious to his visit, then suddenly it dawned on me

"How do you know where I live" I almost shout, all thoughts of friendliness has gone out the window, I glared at him, waiting for his reply, and all his reply was, a grin and a snicker, which did not help my anger "seriously Lucas not funny" I scolded as I glare at him

"Relax love" he reassures a smirk still on his face

"No I will not rekax, its very creepy you know where I live" I retort, my arms crissed together as I held my ground, I did not feel comfortable that he just should up here randomly

"Well as your new boss-" he started but I interrupted him to correct him

"Partner you mean, we're suppose to be working together" I reminded him with a glare, I will not be littled by him or anyone for that matter

"Exactly my point partner which is why I make it a appoint to know where my people are in case I need them" he stated as a matter a fact, but I wasn't convinced

"Then why didnt you call?" I said sharply

"I did" he replied in the same tone, a playfully smirk still covered his smirk

"Regardless I dont not feel comfortable of you showing up her randomly without notice, its very intrusive" I say calmly and as nice as possible, maybe his intentions are pure, business purposes only but that wont stop me from settling the necessary boundaries to make sure this remains professional

His once playful eyes turned soft "I am sorry I didnt mean to over step my boundaries, I brought food, I was hoping maybe we could talk before the flight and just ride together?" He asks

"Our flight isn't until the end of the week" I reminded, with a raised brow

"Didnt Tanner tell you our flight is getting moved since, the hotel seems to be coming along faster then anticipated, and no one has been able to check on the process either,  so were using Dmitri's plane" as he spoke, I could feel my mouth drop, suddenly feeling pressured

"Please tell me your joking" I state, almost begging him, pleading that his statement was not true

"I'm not, does it matter when we leave?" He asked, a sudden shift in his tone, that I couldn't quite pinpoint "you have another" he paused as he rubbed his chin "appointments?"

"I barely finished making my list, my documents, all my work" I begin to exclaimed, as I rush back to the living room to see what left, my eyes scanning the list hastily trying to keep in my panic

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