°Prologue: Hello Hope's Peak°

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Hi, my name is Hideaki Shimizu, and I'm a police trainee. I've been training for a few months, but I know the basics. Honestly, I don't think I'm fit enough to be a police. I'm timid, a crybaby, and I have social anxiety. But my father insisted. He's the police chief and he wants me to be a cop to replace him when he gets older.

Anyways, enough of the introduction. I was just learning how to use various guns when one of the cops came up to my dad. They were talking about a letter of some sort. My dad came back to me, handed me an envelope and said "It's for you". I looked down at the envelope. It was a yellow color,  fancy gold borders and a red stamp, it looked like something for a king.

I opened the envelope and took out the letter inside. It was white with gold borders. 'Man, they really like gold borders, huh?' I thought. I passed that thought and started to read.

"Greetings Student,

CONGRATULATIONS! We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted into Hope's Peak Academy! As every student, you have been given a title; the Ultimate Police.

All students will enter school grounds on August 21st. Get your schedule and uniform at the front office. 

We hope to see you by August.


                                                                Hope's Peak Academy"

I was overjoyed. Honestly, I don't know why. I've heard of Hope's Peak before but was never interested, now I'm here with a big smile. "So, what does it say?" My dad asked. "I just got accepted into Hope's Peak!" I said.

My dad was shocked. "Hope's Peak? Isn't that where all the talented and rich kids go?" "I mean, I guess. But I guess I have a talent then" I handed the letter to my dad. He read through the whole thing then looked at me. "It's August 3rd right now, so you have a long way to go" He scratched his head.

"Yeah, I guess so. Anyways, can we go back to training?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "This is the first time you asked. Sure, we'll go back to training, and maybe you could show some of your skills to the other kids" My dad smirked. I giggled and then we went back to training.


Today was the day, the day I go to Hope's Peak. I was excited, but honestly I'm more scared than happy. Nothing like this happened in my life, EVER. My anxiety will probably get the most of me. 'What if I make a fool of myself? What if I'm too different? What if everyone hates me?' I thought of many questions, all negative.

I pushed all those thoughts away and got ready. I put my white hair in a low ponytail. My hair is at medium length so I usually put it in a ponytail when going out because most people will think I was a girl. I wore a blue hood and jeans.

I put my shoes on and went out. My dad was already there waiting for me in his car. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Mhm" I hummed, closing the car door.


When we made it to Hope's Peak I immediately coward in fear. All the negative thoughts came back and I was about to cry. 'Why am I like this...?' I thought. "Hey, aren't you gonna go out?" My dad asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh...sure..." I said trying not to cry. I hesitated to get out the car but ended up doing so. I waved at my dad goodbye and went to go inside. When I went to open the door I noticed that my hands were shaking.

'Hnng, THIS IS TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!' I internally screamed. I opened the door slowly and saw a bunch of other people. My anxiety kicked in and I tensed up. I scanned the room and saw a sign with an arrow, it said "Main Office".

I scooted across the wall and when I made it to the sign I immediately ran through the hall. When I made it to the main office I slowed down and started walking. I saw a women with a bun and glasses typing on a computer.

"Uh-uhm...ma'am?" I asked nervously. The women looked up to face me. "Oh, hello. Who might you be?" She asked. "I-I'm Hideaki Shimizu" I said. "Oh, the son of the police chief. Can you tell me your title?" She asked looking down to her computer.

"U-Ultimate Police..." I said quietly. "Ultimate Police...found you!" She said. She clicked a button and a printer started. When the printer was done printing, she handed me a piece of paper. "Here is your schedule, if you don't know where to go them you can just look at that map over there." She said, pointing down the hall.

"O-Oh. Thank you, m-ma'am" I thanked her. "Oh, you can just called me Mrs. Iwasaki" She smiled. "Oh, ok..." I said. "Thanks again, eheh..." I laughed nervously and then walked off.

When I was out of sight, I let out a sigh. That was so stressful to do. I looked at my schedule and saw that I only had 2 classes, it was going to be the class for all my studies and one for gym. On the bottom it had all the time periods for both classes.

'Huh, I guess it won't be that stressful...' I thought.

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