Chapter Four: The Predicament

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Ellie decided to join Henry and Charles and threw off her top hat. 'So what's the plan? ' Ellie asked. Charles replied back 'Ok so we need to destroy the Airship by going into its engine and damage it. The Airship will lose its power and fall. We will be distracting the Toppat clans with the gun fight while you and Ellie turn off the power core in the engine. I'll be your inside man able to get you the things you will be needing'. 'Fly us then to where we need to get on the Airship then' Ellie insisted. Charles flew the helicopter above the airship. 'Take these earpieces you two' Charles ordered. Henry and Ellie obediently took the earpieces and got in the airship. Henry was limping hard. Every stick bone in his body felt like it was going to crack. Henry felt like he needed to rest. 'Henry get up we gotta turn off the airship's power core' Ellie pointed out. Ellie realised Henry still is recovering after his crash in the helicopter. 'Ok Henry we will get you to a hospital later, for now I'll lock you in my office in the Airship while I turn off the main power' Ellie said. Henry nodded his head and allowed Ellie guide him to the office. Henry got in the office and layed down by the wall. Ellie kissed Henry in the cheek. 'I promise, I won't be long' Ellie claimed. Ellie left the office and locked it. Because Toppat members assumed she was leader of them it was easy to get in the engine room. She got in the room. When she got to the power core getting ready to turn it off she heard a click of a gun.  'Don't even move 1 inch' Ellie realised it was the right hand man. He had a deagle pointed at her face. 'I know you are now working with the government, Ellie' He said. 'You must have forgotten there were security cameras in that room' The Right Hand Man told her. 'What do you want?' Ellie asked. 'You are going to kill the government and never return to this airship again'. The cyborg commanded. 'What's going on Ellie, turn off the power already!' Charles urged her to do. 'You are going to tell Charles that you can't get in. You will also tell him to reveal the location of the government base and ur excuse for asking him is that you need better weapons from there'. He ordered. 'If you don't follow those instructions you and Henry will die, yes we found him in the office and busted the door down' he threatened. The Right Hand Man showed Ellie the live camera footage of Henry screaming for help and she noticed Henry's earpiece is destroyed. Ellie got on the earpiece.

What should Ellie tell Charles to do?

Should she tell Charles the orders The Right Hand Man has given her to say to him or should Ellie tell Charles to call in backup. Doing the second option can result in high risk of Ellie and Henry dying.

The choice is now yours. Comment below which choice you choose.

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