210 10 1

Taeyong - Left
Jennie - Right

Hey love, I just received your macaroons
also Jisung received his macaroons as well!
Thank you they're so delicious, the members
wants them but I didn't give them 😂

Waaaa why you didn't give them, I clearly
remember  that I gave you a lot right?

Because your macaroons were
delicious and it is already enough as
the reason not to give them any

Aish you're being a spoiled brat again😒
the next time i'll bake and I'll give you better
gives  some for your members as wel alright?

But I gave Jisung his share earlier :((
besides...I dont know if I should tell you
another reason why I dont give them any
macaroons earlier

huh? And what is that another reason of
yours ? better tell me already

Aish because I get jealous!


hey taeyooooong

are you for real?!

you get jealous on your members?

You cutie  Pie Hahahahaha

dont laugh at me! and i'm serious

hey you dont need to be jealous 😄

besides you're the one whom I love so dont
be  such a baby who loves to sulk and whine!

I can't believe the great Taeyong Lee is like this behind the camera HAHAHAHAHA

Oh well you are always like that with me

I'm just like this when I'm with you or
when i'm talking with you...

alright i'll try not to get jealous

But I can't know that but
i'll try for you

Yah! I can imagine you pouting right now!

Jennie! You're making fun of me again

Pfft dont worry I know you love me and you
can't be mad at me easily

Tsk, I know

Hmp cold hearted

Can't wait to see you and pinch your cheeks
and then make fun of you while hugging you :((

I miss youuuuu

I miss you more sweet heart

Trying to find the clear day to have a date
with you, dont worry we'll set a date for it

I miss hugging you

You hug lover!

But you love my hugs

Well I know that 😜

Anyway got to go we have a practice today

Yup I know that, you just told me that
yesterday right? And besides I have it in my reminder also in my planner

Argh of course why would I forgot about it!
You know about my schedule for this day because you're the one who asked it last night

Anyway I need to go right now, and btw you have a show guesting today right?

Yup, and I need to go now as well

You take care alright? I love you

I will! And you should take care also!

We'll see each other soon alright? I love you too❤️

Dont get injured please

Pfft I will not!

and yes we'll definitely see each other

Bye bye my love

bye my love

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