Part 2: Decisions

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Choie tapped her foot as she waited impatiently for Normani to answer the phone. She finally answered on the fifth ring.

"So you finally learned how to pick up your phone?" came Normani's hushed voice.

"Bitch, shut up. I was at work. What the hell going on? Do I need to come up to that mansion and kick her ass? Because you and I both know I will do it".

Normani couldn't help but to giggle a bit. That wasn't an empty threat by any means. Choie was crazy as hell. Especially behind the people she cared about. It was the main thing about her that Normani had missed when they lost touch.

"No, you don't need to beat her up for me, but I do need you to come down here and help me move my stuff out. Like soon" Normani whispered.

"First of all, why are you whispering? Is she right there or something? Second of all, you're going to have to clarify some things for me. Why are we breaking up? I take it she didn't want the baby? Or..." Choie's voice trailed off for a split second before realization hit her like a brick. "You didn't tell her did you?"

Normani sighed heavily. She'd been doing a lot of that these past few days. "One, I had to sneak off to talk. She's around here somewhere, and I don't want her to overhear. I'm in the closet".

Choie immediately began laughing. "The irony" she snorted.

Normani groaned on the other end. "Choie, I swear to God...focus, heifer. Two, I um, kind of, maybe didn't tell her. I don't plan to tell her either".

Choie clicked her tongue against her teeth, ready to give her unwarranted opinion before Normani promptly cut her off.

"Don't even start, Cho. I have my reasons, and if you're truly my best friend, you'll just help me out and leave it alone. Please".

Choie tried to stop the words from coming out, but it was like they had a mind of their own or something. "Mani, you can't just walk away from her. She has a right to know about her kid. Hell, babies aren't cheap either. All that money she has, you deserve help. And what about-"

"Enough, Choie". Normani's voice was still quiet, but Choie could hear the warning in her tone.

"Fine. Okay. We'll take a rain check on this part of the conversation. Back to Dinah though, how did she take it when you broke up with her? Was she mad? You've been together so long".

"Two years, five months, three weeks, and four days" Normani thought. She'd fussed at herself every day since she took the pregnancy tests. It was never supposed to be that long.

"I um, kind of, sort of didn't break up with her yet."


Normani pinched the bridge of her nose and blew out another exasperated breath. "Choie, please! My god just shut up and listen. I'm going to break up with her, okay? I just-there's just so much I have to figure out. I really need to talk to you in person. I think I can get away tonight. Are you free?"

Choie thought a moment. "I have a couple of errands to run after work, but I should be home around 7 or 8. Just call me when you're on the way".

"Thanks, Cho. I'll hit you up later. Right now, I have some things to do for Dinah".

Choie raised a brow at that, but this time she kept her thoughts to herself. "Okay girl. Just call when you're almost there. If I don't answer, you know where the spare key is".

The two said their goodbyes and Normani took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She stared at her reflection in the mirror for a long moment, her eyes landing on her abdomen. By the beginning of the new year, a (healthy) life will have come out of there. The thought absolutely terrified her. She knew she had options, but getting rid of her baby just didn't sit right with her spirit. She'd never judge anyone for making that choice though. Given her lack of family, Normani looked at this as a golden opportunity to begin one, even if it was going to be a broken one at best. She just hoped she was making the right decision. She closed her eyes against her battling thoughts before she finally turned the light off and opened the closet door.

Normani nearly had a heart attack when she saw Dinah patiently seated in the bay window waiting for her to come out. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the sun shining behind Dinah's frame. It bathed her in a warm golden glow. She looked almost regal, her curly hair spilling freely about her shoulders. Her pretty brown eyes were unreadable as she stared Normani down with a poker face.

"Hello my little one. Am I missing something here?"

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