20 - Regret

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The three are waiting for y/n to come to school, they've been worried sick because she didn't let them follow her to her apartment yesterday when she walked out, and they know they can't do anything about that so they have no choice but to just go home and wait for the next day

Besides they don't want to let Y/n suffer alone, after all, she's their friends, what kind of friend would let their friend alone at bad times right?

So here they are, waiting patiently for y/n in her locker, after waiting for a short period, they successfully spotted her at the end of the hallway, approaching her licker

"Hey guys, how long have you been waiting there?"y/n asked as if nothing happened yesterday, she tried to act normal but the siblings, being her friends for a long time aside dreamies knew she's still hurt, they can see it in her eyes no matter how she hides it

"Y/n, do you want to go to the garden, you know, to relax, "mark said,y/n just looked down, and by just looking at y/n's action, they immediately knew what she meant

"You must be tired from what happened yesterday, let's go, "minjae said dragging y/n with her, only the two boys left behind, they watched them walk away until they saw them enter the garden

"You like her, don't you?" chan asked looking at mark, "uh-i-i-"Mark can't find a word to say, he was too flustered in what chan said, the older male chuckled at mark patting his shoulder

"I see"chan teased receiving a playful punch from Mark, "J-just-lets follow them, "Mark said walking away, Chan let out a sigh, then following mark afterwards

The dreamies have been thinking on what to say to their dear best friend, sitting on the couch with head down, tears streaming down their face as if they someone died but no, they just lost someone, someone that is very dear to them, someone who is very special to them

They regret ignoring y/n, especially jaemin who just slapped her the other day, they wanted to see y/n, they wanted to hug her and apologize, but no matter how much they wanted to see her, they just can't face her, after all the yelling, accusations, ignoring and many more, they don't know how to face her anymore

They're all disappointed with themselves for doing that to her, even though her sister killed herself,hena was still the reason why she did that,jeno regret introducing hena to the dreamies, he blamed himself for doing that, but no matter how much he regrets it, it already has done, their y/n was mad at them now, they're sure she hates them all now, the two youngest were the most affected int he situation,y/n is like their older sister, without her, no one will nag them to study, to eat, to sleep early, to listen to the class, and many more

But they glad that she had Mark, without him,y/n now is sick or even worse already dead, but no, he took care of her, he feeds her, he comforts her and stays with her when the dreamies are not

After several hours of spacing out, and thinking about their dear sister, its now night time, not gonna lie, but they all feel hungry, so they just decided to order food and wait for a several minutes

They needed to eat, they needed to be strong for y/n, they needed to be strong for tomorrow

They already planned to apologize to y/n, tomorrow on their free period, so they need to gather their confidence and apologize to their dear love


Bible Verse for Today 082520

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

Matthew 6:25

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