Chapter 11

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"Alex hun, isn't that dude from LNR?" Kaleigh asked.

I looked at Kaleigh confused then glanced over to where she pointed. I noticed the familiar figure of the lead singer. The back of the figure meant that was Dalton. And that meant that Jen was with him too.


I called out, hoping he would stop in time so I can go say hi. I tried to quickly move through the line of people to catch up to him before he leaves.

I didn't get why he didn't hear me; he just kept walking out. I reached for my phone and tried to dial his number. I stood there bewildered; Dalton never acts like that. Whenever I see him around, he's as happy as you could picture. He loves doing what he does and we are good friends. He wouldn't ignore me like that. 

"Alex, the table's ready."

I looked behind me at Kaleigh as I kept trying to get Dalton to answer his phone. I sighed and hung up, shrugging the thought off for a moment. I'll have to chat with him later about this. I followed Kaleigh and we headed over to the table; seeing everyone already had taken their seats.


"He keeps calling."

I heard Dalton say, who saw his phone go off multiple times. I sighed and tensed up, knowing that Alex would find out sooner or later that Dalton was hiding something. That something happened to be me.

I can't take it anymore; this whole running around behind Alex's back. But then again, he never told me he was hanging out with Satan's daughter. I couldn't stand Kaleigh, even though Jen says good things about her. I just didn't trust her; something about her gave me the creeps.

"Syd, relax babe. He won't find out."

I felt Cam give my hand a squeeze as he pulled into the garage parking lot of his apartment. I knew he was right, I had to calm down but I couldn't. I mean, it's not easy having to hide a secret from the person you love most. Then again, I don't even know how I feel anymore; between him and Cam. I knew I had to give Alex the ring back, I barely wear it anyways just because of publicity.

That right there will most likely kill him. The thought of giving him the ring back after being in love this long. But if Kaleigh is going to be around him also; I didn't want to see that. I don't care if he was mine. I just do not plan on wanting some wannabe fangirl around my man. And if that's the case, if Alex wants her, then he can have her.

I hated the idea of losing someone that was so special to me. It's not easy when you just create that distance and tension. I spend a good amount of my time recording music and touring. I barely ever get to see him anyways. Sometimes I wonder how we made it this far without having issues.


"Sydney, omg, Sydney. I love your music, you're so pretty."

"What's your name?"

I smiled at this skinny awkward tall guy. He was really sweet; awkward, but sweet. He couldn't stop complimenting me but he also couldn't stop telling my brothers how much our music meant to him. It was a typical fan thing to do.

"Nice to meet you man!" One of my brothers said.

Alex gave us all hugs. I could feel his hug tighten when he came up to me. We took our photo before signing his cd and poster.

"I hope you come back."

He said next, making me send him a smile and nod.

"Definitely; we love it here." I told him, assuring him we'd come back.

A fan like him seems the dedicated type to not miss one of our shows and I knew I would be seeing a lot of him with just how he's behaving. He gave me another hug and then walked away with his friends; turning around and sending me another wave.

"Well we're going to see him a lot."

My other brother mentioned; making me nod in agreement. I didn't know how often but I knew it would happen. The way he stood out in the crowd up in the front row; I knew there was no turning back for him. He was there till the end for us. Let alone with all the merch he bought from our table.


"Syd, he's not going to know.

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