Demon Boy 2

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(A/N i will be updating every Saturday because of school) 


I was running from yuno and his friends that are trying to bully me again I run to the monster skull where I train and we ran into a pack of boars, I ran passed them, the boars saw the other kids coming and confronted them as one was about to charge i stopped it because of the amount physical training. I asked them to help me but all of them left me and as they were running Yuno turned around and said these words to asta "F**k You demon", Asta was mortified and lost focus of the boar he was holding and it bit into him and the other three came and ripped him the last thing asta saw was a man with a long with bread.

 Drouot POV 

Was flying back from seeing an old friend and then saw a group of kids chasing this one kid but payed no mind to it because i thought they were playing then i heard the children screaming and running to the demon skull (because that were he saw them running) he came to see boars attacking the kids but what he saw scared him he felt anger as he saw the kids live the others behind and the last one said this words to him "F**k You demon" it filled him and then he saw the getting attacked and then supposedly killed by boars he tried to get the boars away but it was to late as he tried to attack he was cut off by the the other boar and then they all turned on him he was about to attack but then he saw was the child putting him self back together and then he felt the presence of something powerful emitting from the kid that was putting himself together, when the child was done healing himself the boars had ran away thanks to the mana emitting from the boy and then he fainted and i caught him and waited for him to wake up. When he woke up it was almost 9:00 pm and as he woke up i asked for where he lived and he told me the church with father Orsi and i took him there but as we got there he was getting so i asked him whats wrong "What is wrong kid" I asked with a puzzled face 

"nothing "asta said with a smile that could make a heart melt

"Ok" I said as i smile back 

As we reach the church I followed Asta to the door which was ahead and as we reach i see the boy that said the mean things to Asta walk in side the door and as Asta opened door and walked in side and i followed a little behind him.

Asta's POV      

As I walk in I see sister Lilly standing at the door  waiting for me 

"Where have you been" she asked with a very angry facial expression 

"I was training " I said witch was a lie 

"How many times have i told to stop lying" She said getting closer and about to hit me as i waited for the pain but it never came, I opened my eyes to see that gramps(what he calls Drouot)

"What about to do to this child" Drouot said his eyes showed anger 

"This is not a child it is a monster a-a demon in disguise as a child"  Said sister Lilly trying to release her hand from his 

"You dare call this sweet adorable little child a monster let alone demon you do not diverse to be a nun" He said while letting go of the sister 

"I will be taking Asta from here" he said looking down at Asta with a smile trying to pat his head but he flinched because of the trauma he received from the church which made Drouot more angry. 

"Asta we will be going your coming with me since no one here knows how to take care of a child" He said as he waved for me to come with him, complied and walked towards and we left with out even saying a word to sister Lilly and the others especially my ex-rival Yuno and the others 

"Where are we going Gramps" I asked as i looked up to him and he looked at me with a puzzled look and asked 

"Whats with the name Gramps and we are going to the Gremoire tower" He said looking down at me and I said 

"I call you Gramps because you are nice and old like a grandpa" I say chuckling a bit 

"I am not that old" He said with comical tears coming out of his eyes which made me laugh 



3rd person POV 

Time skip to when they get to the Grimoire tower were walking in until we see a light coming out of Asta and what comes out is five leaf grimoire and there is something coming out of the shelves it is a four leaf grimoire and they combine together to form a six leaf and both Asta and Gramps are confused 

And that is the END of the chapter hope you enjoyed 

Thanks for reading. 

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