The Loser-Chapter 4- Ashlynn Greenleef

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She looked just as judging and isolated as day care girl. Her hair was a white blonde color, and her lips had a neon pink lip gloss on them. She had more makeup on than the other girl, but their eyes were the same, and the freckles, and the beauty.

She had a black t-shirt that hung loosely off her body, she was much thinner than day care girl, and black skinny jeans with rips in them.

"Hi." I said the second I sat down. Her head turned lazily to me and she looked me up and down.

"Hey." She goes back to staring at someone and it surprises me who it is. She is staring at a very nerdy, very bullied boy named Quentin Arwell. He was tall, but skinny, always studied and worked real hard, and his parents are poor, and everyone knows it.

"You know, you could just go talk to him." Her cold eyes snap to me.

"No, I couldn't." She says after a little while.

"He's not very popular, its not like he could turn you down."

"Yes he could. I'm only 16, turning 17 in July. I skipped a grade, so I'm even more unpopular than him." she says and goes back to staring.

"By any chance do you have a sister whose like 19 and works at a daycare center not far from here?" I ask quickly. She gives me a suspicious look.

"Yeah, Shae. Why?" That was her name!! Shae. Shae.

"Just wondering. You look like her." I say, Shae flooding my mind.

"Not really." She sighs, staring at Quentin.

We get about 20 minutes into a video about Bach without speaking again until Quentin walks past to ask to use the bathroom.

"Hey, Quentin, have you met...." I drew a blank, but look at a surprised Shae's sister beside me.

"Ashlynn, most people call me Ash." She shakes his hand and he says its nice to meet her and then leaves to the bathroom.

"See? Not that hard." She blushes and punches my arm.

"Who are you, anyway?" She asks.

"I'm Shaun Bennett." I smile and shake her hand, and her smile doesn't quite glow as bright as Shae's.

Not even the stars could glow as bright as Shae.

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