Back Together Again

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     We skated up to the dam where Connie and Guy used to hangout and they were standing there on the platform overlooking it, they were making out, it didn't really surprise me.

     Charlie, Averman, and Jesse started laughing making Connie realize and pull away when Jesse yelled, "You guys coming or what?!"

     "Come on!" Connie said, letting go of Guy making him hang his head and look back up at us.
     "Really guys?" he complained but with a smile following Connie as she picked up her bag after putting on her roller blades.

    "Sorry," Charlie chuckled and patted Guy's shoulder, "But it is worth it, right?"

    "Dude, is that even a question? Of course its worth it," Guy replied as we skated up to Goldberg's Parents Deli where he worked.

     "Goldberg!" we all yelled when he looked up and smiled, he ran to get his skates and we were skating to find Fulton in the alleyway where he usually was but had to check the park seeing as he wasn't there.

     We had just skated over a fountain when I saw three guys from the Hawks team that still hated us for winning, they had these looks on they're faces, I knew that look, my dad gives it to me all the time.

     I made eye contact with the one who hurt Banks at the Championship and he just smirked and cracked his knuckles but before I could tell the rest of the team the "Hawks" were all being thrown around by the one and only Fulton Reed.

     "Oh, hey guys, look!" Averman exclaimed.

     "Its Fulton!" Charlie said in excitement.

     "And guess who he's beating up?" I murmured quietly, trying not to laugh at the "Hawks".

     "Its about time they got a good ass kicking, they still haven't paid for what they did to Banksy," Connie raised her eyebrows and laughed a little at the three still being thrown around.

     "Damn straight," Goldberg was laughing his ass off at this point which made us all laugh more.

     Fulton tied them up to a tree but took their clothes off first, leaving them in they're boxers, he held up the clothes to us and said with confidence while laughing with us, "That'll teach you not to mess with us!"

     We all just left them there and threw they're clothes in a trash can on our way out of the park, now we were going to get Adam. As we skated up to his house he was outside practicing with his skates on and a hockey stick in hand.

     "Hey, cake-eater,you wanna play some real hockey?" Jesse asked, you could hear the smile in his voice.

     Adam just looked up meeting my eyes, I immediately couldn't breathe and my hands started to shake, he looked so surprised as he seemed to be searching my face, I had to look down at the ground to avoid eye contact from my selfconciousness, I heard him skating closer and looked up to see him bro hug the guys.

     I skated in the middle of Fulton and Adam, it was so hard to do anything correctly with him next to me, Charlie explained why Bombay was bringing us back when Adam said, "It's an international competition, us against the world."

     "Hey, man, bring it on, we got this," Goldberg said with confidence.

     When we saw coach we all started shouting, "Ducks!" over and over and we all crowded around Bombay who was wearing his Ducks jacket.

     "Welcome back Ducks! I've really missed you guys! Are you ready to fly?!" Coach was so excited and I was excited for him, for all of us.

     "Yeah!" we all yelled in return when a limo drove up.

     "Can't be from this neighborhood," Jesse mumbled making us chuckle.

     A small, grey-haired man popped out of the sunroof and introduced himself, "Hey, guys! I'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix Hockey Apparel, we're your official sponsors. Anybody want a card?"

     Half the team rushed up and took a card but I didn't see the point, Tibbles and Bombay started talking and the team just started talking aimlessly.

     "Hey," I heard Adam's voice behind me and turned to see a confused but concerned expression, I was so taken aback by seeing his face up close that it took me a few seconds to reply, seeing him so close made my breathing even more difficult then before.

     "Hey," my voice was small and quiet but he seemed to hear me.

     I didn't know if I wanted to get him involved with someone like me, I was a selfish person, my dad was matter how close we are, even if we aren't close at all, I just don't want him to get hurt.

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