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      I woke up to my alarm and got up to put my clothes on, I looked at the area on my arm where my dad grabbed me, now there was a red with a hint of brown and purple bruise, I tried to ignore it as I grabbed my hockey bag and suitcase then made sure to get downstairs as quietly as possible. Before I left, I took a bottle of water from the fridge and was out the door without a word.

     It was cold as I walked to the airport, it was almost five miles away but it could have been much worse. I walked up to the front of the airport to be met by Charlie who greeted me with a small hug.

     I saw Adam walk up to us with a backpack, a hockey bag and a suitcase, "Hey," he greeted me with a hint of a smile.

     My stomach twisted into knots as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, "Hey, Adam," my voice was still scratchy from waking up but he broke eye contact by looking down and smiling, I guessed it was because I said his name, I was happy that he was smiling, showing signs of happiness.

     He looked up at me through the hair that now covered part of his face, this gave me goosebumps as the rest of the team started arriving.

     It took us a while to get through customs but it was worth it, the flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but my arm started to hurt even worse.

     "Thank Jesus we're finally here," I heard Goldberg say to Averman as we walked out of the baggage claim, my neck hurt from the flight but I didn't really mind, I was sort of used to it.

     Adam slowly made his way nonchalantly to my side, I couldn't understand the expression on his face but didn't want to pry by asking.

     We drove to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, it sucked that we had to play a game the day we got here but we'll get through it.

     We got dressed in our gear and stretched, we got out on the ice and started practicing shooting at Goldberg who was for the most part doing pretty well.

     We were playing Trinidad Tobago, we were leading six to one and Connie had just scored making it seven to one making the buzzer go off.

     I saw some guy trash talking to Jesse making him annoyed yelling back at him but Coach stopped him and told him to get out on the ice.

     He got the puck and was getting close to the goal when a guy from the other team checked him before he got the chance, he got up and went for the guy that checked him getting Jesse two minutes in the penalty box, I noticed the guy that was trash talking to him making fun of Jesse again but ran away soon after.

     I was on the bench next to Fulton when both him and Portman put their bandanas on and got out on the ice replacing Dwayne and Guy.

    As soon as they got out there they bashed three guys letting Portman score then taking bows, their names had become the bash brothers which I thought fit perfectly.

   Trinidad got the puck and faked Adam out skating down towards the goal and scoring, to say they celebrated is an understatement.

    Connie got the puck in the Trinidad zone and passed it to Ken who ducked between a guy on the other teams legs behind the goal and came around the side getting us another point.

     The buzzer to end the game making us win nine to two, we all jumped out on the ice and celebrated the win when Bombay yelled, "That wasn't a game, that was a statement!"

     We went back to the locker room and showered then got dressed and were showed to our dorm rooms that we were staying in.

     Connie and Gaffney roomed together leaving me to room with no one, as I set my stuff down my mind drifted to Adam.

     I wanted to know if he was okay, he seemed different since we got here and it worried me. I missed being close to him so much but things were so different now... He made me feel so safe and nervous at the same time, he made my stomach clench and the air around me become scarce but I haven't felt this okay in a long time, I felt all of this in just his presence...I started to feel clingy and idiotic but I couldn't get him out of my head. I needed to stop.

     I just wanted to sleep so I laid down and didn't bother unpacking any more, I was then engulfed in sleep.

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