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I heard knocking at my door followed by Connie's voice, "Gray, do you mind if we come in?"

I opened and rubbed my eyes, the area beneath each of them was sensitive from the lack of sleep from the days before, but all I was concerned about was how my hair looked and covering the bruise on my arm that was swelled much more then expected.

I pulled on my black sweater and felt pain in my stomach from a bruise that was now healing, I ignored it and pulled my hair down from the messy braid it was in.

There was another knock making me walked towards the door and open it to see Connie and Gaffney standing there in their USA uniforms holding a USA duffel bag.

"Hey," I stepped aside and let them in, they immediately took their seats on the unused bed across from mine.

"We wanted to make sure you were up and in your uniform before we left, I hope you don't mind," Gaffney explained making me shake my head.

"Don't worry, I don't mind, I'm glad you did actually," I half smiled at them, trying to be as genuine as possible.

"By the way, Tibbles' assistant dropped by earlier this morning and gave us our uniforms, she said she tried to knock on your door but you didn't answer so she just gave this to us to give to you," Connie handed over the duffel with a smile.

"Thank you, where are we going?" I wondered while unzipping the duffel and pulling out the uniform.

"We should be leaving after you get dressed to go to a meeting with the press," Connie answered.

"Oh, and the guys are meeting us there," Gaffney added as I walked toward a door and opened it to see a medium sized closet.

"So when exactly did you and Guy actually start going out?" I asked to make conversation but blanked out on the rest as I got dressed, not out of disrespect but I wasn't much of a gossip type.

"Do you know what's going on with Adam?" I suddenly snapped out of my trance while finishing and opened the door.

I saw Gaffney shrug as I remember how Adam was yesterday after flight, I tried not to let it bother me yesterday but I couldn't help but remember when Connie spoke again, "You know him best, Gray."

"I don't know...he was fine until after the flight, I didn't want to bother him by asking so I just gave him space," I responded while staring down at the carpet.

"When was the last time you two had a full conversation?" Connie looked a bit sad.

"Freshman year," I gave her a blank expression but Gaffney shook her head but didn't say anything.

"Wow...such a long time ago," Connie murmured and looked at the floor, "I can tell he still cares if that makes any difference."

I was confused at how she could know that but didn't ask, instead, I went to the mirror and brushed through my brown hair and staring at the bags under my eyes as Connie and Gaffney started another conversation. I turned to look at them making them get up, seeing that I was ready.

We walked out of my room and down the hall and into the lobby, we waited for less then five minutes when the rest of the team came walking down the hall opposite from ours.

I instantly looked up at Adam, taking note of his changes, he was darker now, his personality seemed darker, more mysterious then before, he dressed in darker clothes. His hair slightly covered his face and he had bags under his eyes but they were much less obvious then mine, it concerned me.

Adam walked next to Jesse, Guy, and Charlie who greeted us first, Adam seemed to be in a better mood today which left me at ease as he walked to my side and gave me as close to a smile as I knew I could get, as Jesse teased Connie and Guy, I smiled crookedly back at him and felt his hand brush my arm.

Team USA *Adam Banks*On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara