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I set the duel pistols, at least that's what I think they are on the table at Maz's palace. "What can I do for you today young man?" A short older female alien calls, "NO FIGHTING!" She screams in the direction of a brawling pair and motions for guards to throw them out. "As I was saying, I've been told that you have a sort of historical question?" I open my bag and set down a neatly tied package.

"I was wondering about these, a friend found them and I wanted to know more about them." She picks one up gently and runs her fingers over the trigger nodding.

"These are WESTAR-35s, generally used by Mandolarians and Concordians. Do you know anything about these people?" Mandolarian, that seems familiar not sure why.

"No, the first one sounds familiar but I don't know why." Maz adjusts her glasses and peers at me with wide eyes, as if trying to figure out if I'm worthy of the next parts of information.

"Well, they were a dangerous people not one you would want to anger. Today there are not that many left that I know of who still follow their war related origin. Often times they would wear special armor made of a specific type of ore - beskar extremely rare and only found on Mandalore and Concord Dawn." I watch her pick up the pistols again and study the markings before speaking.

"Are there anymore of these people left?" I ask knowing that having people like to help with the Resistance would help tremendously.

"Depends. The interesting thing is these blasters are not that old, forged within the age of the empire because of the form of the clan crest used is recent. Along with the fact that the owner marked significant kills on here." The idea that I am in possession possible murder weapons kinda unnerves me. "Ah yes, Jetti is marked on the left with four markings? Maybe more, it looks as if someone tried to remove these. I do not believe that these were the primary weapon of the user because of their wear and tear. Is that helpful?" She asks before quickly turning and screaming at another set of customers.

"Yes, thank you Maz." I answer honestly very happy to be able to bring the information I learned about these blaster and the possibility of their owners identity to General Organa.

"Of course, what is knowledge if we can't pass it on? You never mentioned who you were."

"Poe. Poe Dameron."

"I see, I hope to see you around Poe Dameron."

So I know this is weird, but like honestly guys this has turned into my place to try new things.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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