Chapter 9: Fake Royalty

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[One month later]

(Y/n)'s POV

It was getting closer to Thanksgiving, so our teachers were starting to get lazier and they gave us less work. Not that any of us were complaining. Today Herc had wanted us to put on a fashion show for him with the clothes he had designed for his class, so Charles, Herc, Laf, John, Alex, Sam and I were meeting up at a small studio that Herc had managed to rent out for a few hours. We had some time before then, though, so Charles and I decided to grab some coffee.

We were sitting at a table and Charles was telling me a story, when he abruptly stopped talking. I looked up from my drink confused, to see that Charles had paled and was looking over my shoulder. In a matter of seconds, somehow our nice coffee date had turned sour.

"Char! Long time no see," a voice exclaimed behind me. I turned around and came face-to-face with someone I wish I hadn't. Standing there was a blue-eyed man who wore a smile, but it seemed far too sinister to be genuine. His  coiffed hair was dyed silver, which made him look idiotic.

George Frederick: the local rich prick. His family was practically rolling in money, and he seemed to take that as a go-ahead to treat everyone else like dirt. I remembered that poor Sam had been stuck in his clique for a while because their parents were friends with each other, but Sam had no love for the guy. He'd even forced some people to address him as "King George." The ego this guy has is insane. The boys and I had frequently joked about "overthrowing" him back in high school.

Charles forced a smile onto his face, but he looked really pained. "Not long enough," he muttered under his breath through gritted teeth.

"What do you want, King?" I asked. George only looked at me briefly, before promptly ignoring me. To my dismay, he grabbed a chair from nearby and pulled it up to our table. He sat down really close to Charles, who scooted his chair away slightly.

"How have you been, Char?" George was looking at Charles like he was the only important thing in the world, his eyes studying him hungrily. Needless to say, I didn't like it. To my surprise, Charles didn't look all that surprised at George's expression. He looked like he was used to this.

"I would be surprised if you even care," Charles replied, his eyes cold. I had never seen him look that....angry. Note to self: do not get on Charles's bad side. Ever.

"Of course I care," George gasped, feigning an offended look. "I've missed you, Char." Without warning, he grabbed Charles's hand, the latter quickly pulling away. It was taking everything in me not to slap George. But I knew Charles would rather fight his own battles.

"Go to hell," Charles growled, before snatching up his coffee and starting towards the door. I gave His Majesty a scowl, and then I ran to catch up. Once we got outside Charles had slowed down, but he was still seething with rage. I gently took his hand, lacing my fingers in his, and he softened.

"I'm sorry about that, (Y/n)," he apologized, looking at our intertwined hands and then up at my face. I assured him it was okay, and we walked to his car in silence. I didn't want him to be forced into telling me something he didn't want to, so I didn't ask.

We got into his car and buckled our seatbelts. I thought he was going to start driving, but he didn't. After sitting there for a while, I turned towards Charles. I was about to say something, but the look in his eyes told me not to.

"I guess there's something I should tell you."

Lee's POV

I thought I could've avoided this, just for a little while longer. But the sudden encounter with George made the conversation I was about to have with (Y/n) inevitable. Man, did I hate that guy. He always knew exactly how to ruin good things.

Negotiate a Peace, Or Negotiate a....Romance? {Charles Lee x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now