#5 Did you know?

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■Biting a wooden spoon while chopping an onion will stop your eyes from watering.

♧Louis XIX was King of France for just 20 minutes.

■There's a laser procedure to change one's eye color from brown to blue, as blue eyes exist under all brown eyes.

♧Cotton Candy was invented by a dentist.

■In China, some families pay for ghost marriages, employing a matchmaker to help find a suitable spouse for their deceased loved ones.

♧Drinking grapefruit while taking medication can cause instant overdose and death.

■In 2010, some schools in southern California banned a dictionary for including a definition of oral sex.

♧An earthquake on Dec. 16, 1811 caused parts of the Mississippi River to flow backwards.

■Alexander the Great was simultaneously the King of Macedonia, Pharaoh of Egypt, King of Persia, and King of Asia.

♧Construction of the Taj Mahal took around 20 years, beginning around 1632 and finishing around 1653.

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