#7 Did you know?

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⊙Hamburgers got their name from Hamburg, Germany.

▪Before the eraser, bread was used to erase pencil marks.

⊙In 2006, a duck egg was discovered with three live fish in it.

▪In France, you can marry a dead person.

⊙The sun is actually white. It is only perceived as yellow because of the atmospheric scattering.

▪The world's longest hangover lasted 4 weeks after a Scotsman man consumed 60 pints of beer.

⊙There is a town in France called condom.

▪Make bees die after having sex.

⊙The Ancient Greeks exercised naked.

▪Studies have shown that if you dropped a baby's pacifier into the ground, putting it in your mouth then putting it back into the baby's mouth as opposed to washing it in soapy water can strengthen a baby's immune system. It can potentially ward off ailments such as eczema and asthma.

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