#8 Did you know?

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》Scared of the Bermuda Triangle? Despite it's reputation, it's is actually a part of a commonly sailed shiping route.

■ Homo sapiens reached the region lf Indonesia around 45,000 years ago.

》Al Pacino was the first face in Facebook.

■ Television's first went on sale in the kate 1920's.

》Odd and Even are popular names for males in Norway.

■ Crocodiles can survive a long time without food.

》The fear of vegetables is called Lachanophobia.

■ Fart battles were a popular art scrolls created in Japan during the Edo period.

》There was a homeless man who lived in New York City in the 1920's. He survived being intentionally fed Antifreeze, Turpentine, Rat poison, being left in -14 degree weather and being hit with a taxi in a life insurance scam. His nickname became "Mike the Durable".

■ As a child, Hitler wanted to be a priest.

Which one did you find interesting the most?


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