Wizards of The Carribean

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I know. The main idea for this comes from a comic. And I thank whoever made said comic. And I'm sorry if you're mislead, and someone else out there has the same story title. I also apologize to said person if they exist.

Okay, down to business. I don't have a new idea for the Quartet, and while I could build off what I already did, I want to do something a little different. And its not that different. It's still an HP...and a Dramione. In the end. And anyway, my original intention was to make them the ancestors of the trio (and Malfoy), but hey, what's the fun in that? (By the way, it's the third POTC movie, and about... the summer before fifth for HP. I seem to like that time period in HP. No idea why.)

Also, I kind of mixed up events. Didn't want Malfoy to get shot by accident. Okay, I'll stop talking about the real world now.


"Harry, why is the floor rocking?" Ron asked blearily. "We must have gotten stone drunk last night." Hermione groaned. Harry stood up. "I've had hangovers before, but either this is the worst, which is doubtful, or we're at sea." Hermione sat straight up. "We're at what?" She said. Harry turned, and got a good look at her. "Um, Hermione? Have you seen what you're wearing? Ron too... and me."

Hermione and Ron looked at their clothes. "I'm dressed like a bloody pirate!" Ron said. "Well, maybe you are a bloody pirate, in which case you would be looking for something to steal, but since your not a bloody pirate, you're a stowaway, you won't steal anything. Savvy?" Hermione looked at the voice. "Who are you?" "Captain Jack Sparrow. I could ask you the same question." He waved a lantern in their faces. "Why is the rum always gone?" He groaned.

Harry shrugged. "We drink firewhiskey." Hermione shook her head. "You do. Ron does. I don't." Captain Jack looked at them for a minute, then said, "Did you come with that blond nuisance? Because I really want to throw him off my ship." "Arrogant, conceited, discriminating, always sneering?" Hermione asked. Captain Jack gave her a look. "So you know him." Harry nodded, frowning. "Draco Malfoy. Our worst enemy."

Hermione shrugged. "What about the Dark Lord?"

Harry frowned at her. "Oh alright. Our second worst enemy."

Captain Jack gave them all a look. "So you all hate this... Draco. I feel sorry for the boy, with a name like that. So I won't throw him overboard. I'll only keep him in the brig." Harry and Ron grinned at him. "Captain Sparrow, I have a feeling we'll get along well." Harry said.

Ron grinned at Captain Jack. "Did you find his name funny? I first found his name funny. Then he insulted my robes!" Captain Jack raised an eyebrow (I will just call him Jack now, okay?). "If you were wearing robes in front of him, no wonder he laughed at you."

"He was also wearing them." Jack looked at him closely. "How old were you?"


Jack's expression said, really? You were up to God knows what in robes at eleven?

"Not like that!" Snapped Ron.

"I am mentally disturbed now. My parents dying didn't disturb me mentally. No. Living with the Dursleys didn't disturb me. My entire life hasn't disturbed me. But with a few words and a look, Captain Jack Sparrow has planted major mentally disturbing images in my head of Ron and Malfoy shagging at age eleven."

Jack smiled, and threw his arms wide, like he was conducting an orchestra. "Well, guess what, mate? I'm Jack Sparrow! I just came back from the dead!"

Harry looked him squarely in the eye and said, "Yeah? Well, I killed the Dark Lord. Twice." Jack grinned at him. "Mate, I have no idea what you're talking about. BUT, welcome to my crew. And welcome aboard the Black Pearl." Harry nodded, slowly. "What about Ron and Hermione?" Jack rolled his eyes. "Obviously, your redheaded friend and your friend who's a girl-" "Nice of you to notice." Hermione huffed. Ron looked at Jack sympathetically.

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