Sao Feng

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The captains climbed back on board the ship. Barbossa headed straight for Sao Feng, while Jack bit his finger and tried to hide. "Sao Feng, you showing up here is truly a remarkable coincedence." Hermione struggled, and glared at Sao Feng, who peered around Barbossa and said, "Jack Sparrow. You paid me great insult once." Jack looked up, and smiled uneasily. "Really? That doesn't sound like me." Sao Feng punched him in the face. The Trio winced, and Malfoy looked from Sao Feng to Hermione, and back again. "And I thought I had the short end of the stick in third year." He chuckled.

Hermione glared at him. "Care to relive the experience? Oh, wait, I can't. I'm against cruelty to animals." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Watch your tongue, Mudblood. These people might just cut it out." The Trio glared at him. "Shove off, Malfoy. You've done enough damage for one day." Harry spat. Will pushed through the soldiers. "Release her. She's not part of the bargain." He said, pointing to Elizabeth. "And what bargain be that?" Barbossa sneered at Will. "You heard Captain Turner. Release her." Sao Feng said to his soldiers.

The Trio glared at Will. Jack did a double take. "Captain Turner..." He said incredulously. "Aye, the profidious rotter led a mutiny against us." Gibbs said angrily. Hermione snorted. "He's nowhere near as bad as Malfoy. Malfoy is evil." Malfoy gave her a mock bow. "Why, thank you, Granger. But flattery will get you nowhere." "I need the Pearl to free my father." Will interuppted. Jack looked back to him, a concerned look on his face. "It's the only reason I came on this voyage." Will continued. "Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?!" Elizabeth asked.

"At least she knows why they're here." Muttered Ron. "It was my burden to bear." Will said stoically. Harry frowned. "That would be sort of... noble... if he didn't just hand us over to the enemy." He said quietly. Ron nodded. "You know you're on the wrong side when Malfoy joins you." He murmured. "He needs the Pearl. Captain Turner needs the Pearl. And you felt guilty. And you, and your Brethren Court. Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?" Jack said, looking at different people. Some people over by the side raised their hands, even little Jack the monkey. Jack grinned, and pointed at each of them in turn.

"I'm standing over there with them." He tried to make his way over, but Sao Feng stopped him. "I'm sorry Jack. But there is an old friend who wants to see you first." "I'm not sure I can survive any more visits from old friends." Jack said nervously. Sao Feng pushed him towards the railing. "Here is your chance to find out." On the horizon was the ship of Cutler Becket. Meanwhile, English soldiers came over from Becket's ship. Will, Sao Feng and Mercer soon started arguing about the Pearl. Soon, Will, Elizabeth and Malfoy were locked up in chains like everybody else. "Not so fun now, is it Malfoy?" teased Harry. Malfoy glared at the trio. "Shut it, Scarhead."


Sao Feng scoffed at Barbossa's words. "Calypso. An old legend." Barbossa's eyes widened as he shook his head a little. "No. The goddess herself, bound in human form." Sao Feng's eyes flickered towards Elizabeth, then Hermione. "Imagine, all the power of the seas, brought to against our enemy." Barbossa continued. Hermione shook her head slowly. Elizabeth and Will looked astonished. "I intend to release her, but for that, I need the Brethren Court. All the court." He picked up a necklace on Sao Feng's chest.

Harry frowned. These people shouldn't mess with magic if they knew nothing about it. "What are you proposing, Captain?" Sao Feng asked. "What be accepted... Cap'n?" Barbossa answered. "The girl. Both of them." "What?" said Elizabeth. "Are you kidding me?" Hermione asked. "Elizabeth is not part of any bargain!" Will exclaimed. "Neither is Hermione!" Ron agreed.

"Honestly. What would he want with Granger?" Malfoy scoffed. Barbossa nodded. "Out of the question." "It was not a question." Sao Feng said, staring intently at Elizabeth. "Done." Said Elizabeth. "What?" Asked Will. "What?!" Hermione said incredulously. "What?" Harry asked, confused. "Not done!" Will said. "You got us into this mess, if this is what frees us, then done." Elizabeth responded.

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