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Ron's eyes snapped open. He was in St. Mungo's, Harry and Hermione on either side. On Hermione's other side was Malfoy. What the bloody hell?! Even though they both seemed unconscious, they were holding hands! He had hoped that part at least was a dream. Apparently not. Harry and Draco were the next to stir, and then Hermione. "Where are we?" She asked. "St. Mungo's." Draco replied easily. "How did we get here if we fell asleep on the Black Pearl?" Harry asked. Ron shrugged. "Saves time, at the very least." He said. Draco nodded. "The better question is how you all got on the Pearl in the first place." A familiar voice said. Slowly, they all turned to see Jack.

"I'll only be a few minutes. You see, you four traveled inadvertantly, and landed on the Black Pearl. Meanwhile, you left your bodies behind, savvy?" They all stared at him. "I'm dreaming." Harry muttered. "Mate, as I said before, there'd be rum if it was a dream. No rum in this whole bloody hospital. And by the way, the nurses and doctors know everything. Watching your adventures was better than any entertainment they'd ever had. I swear, I could smell the popcorn." Harry smiled. "Of course. There was rum, by the way. So was it a dream?" Jack motioned to Draco and Hermione. "Was that a dream? And anyway, there wasn't that much rum, mate. No, you four really did go back. There were two of each of your bodies, and everything interesting happened in the other ones. Which no longer exist, savvy?"

"How did we do that?" Draco asked, still holding Hermione's hand. "Someone messed with the punch at that party you crashed, Malfoy." Jack said, smiling a little. Ron looked at him. "Jack, you share my views on lots of things. Can you tell me you seriously approve of Hermione and the ferret?" Draco glared at him, Hermione looked a little sad, and Harry sighed. Jack grinned at Ron, then disappeared as the doctors came in. "They're awake!" One said in astonishment.

Draco shot him a look. "If you feel the need to point out something so obvious, you are nowhere near smart enough to be a doctor!" He snarled. The man ran out of the room. "That wasn't very nice, Draco." Hermione sighed. He grinned wolfishly, noticing that she was still holding his hand. "Maybe not, Hermione, but it's fun." Ron glared at them. "If you care for my sanity at all, Malfoy, keep your hands off Hermione." The doctors wrote this down. "Make me, Weasley." Malfoy smirked. "Draco, I don't think you should-" Hermione was cut off by Ron screeching, "Draco? DRACO?! Hermione, he's the bloody enemy!"

"She's called him that before, you know." Harry sighed. Ron glared at him, and Hermione glared at Ron. "He has a point, Ron. And stop acting like such a git about me and Draco!" "Besides, I thought fish people were the enemy." Draco muttered. Hermione smiled, and the doctors wrote this down. "You four have been in a potions induced coma for the last few days. How do you feel?" A brave nurse asked.

"Like Ron's going to drive me insane yelling about Draco all hours of the day. And Hermione's going to lose her patience soon and hex him, which will amuse Draco to no end." Draco raised an eyebrow. "Pot- Harry, did you just call me Draco?" Harry nodded slowly. Ron glared at the both of them. "I feel like everything's wrong here, and that this is the dream." He said disgustedly to the nurse. "I feel like I'm floating on air." Hermione said, smiling.

"I feel like this is the best moment of my life. However, I know its not a dream because Weasley is here. Otherwise, it would all be too wonderful to be real." Draco said, smirking. Ron glared at him. "Watch it, ferret." Draco raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you going to do... Weasel." Ron glared at him. "I will personally hex you until something, anything, falls off."

Draco smirked at him. "Please, Weaselbee. You can't do it. You need Hermione to help you hold your wand, or you end up backfiring the spell on yourself. Like second year? And anyway, Hermione is not going to help us hurt each other. Despite her crystal judgment on other things, she's friends with you. And she would not be human if there was not some flaw like that. And if she wasn't human, I couldn't love her. So, in a roundabout way, thank you for existing, Weasley."

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