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Tears rolled down her cheeks each and every moment she recognised herself.
Family members  made a distance from her.
What was wrong?
Is she Ill? Suffering from a  contagious disease?

NO! In fact, she was a victim of rape.
The time when she needed her loved ones to be close to her and support her, but they made a distance from her.

No one raised their voices for her justice.
Today, it was her turn what if tomorrow another girl goes through the same? You'll still be quiet?
What if another day, another girl goes through the same again? Silence again?
Why?! Don't you care about your children? Are you afraid of what the society will say? Or is it about yourselves? Are you ashamed?
Why? Is it your child's fault?
Don't always talk about her clothing but also try to teach your sons manners and how to respect and value women ,After all they all come from a woman , A Mother.


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