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What can't we do?
The things we do, are never seen as something valuable to the society,
What should we do?

The society we live in,
Only finds the faults in us,
No matter what good we do,
We will always get judged for the bad,

When a girl gets raped, She is the one that gets blamed and so much pressure is put on her that some even reach the extent of committing suicide,

When a girl is pregnant before marriage, She will have to tolerate being called all sorts of names throughout her life,
What about the boys?
The topic just ends there and he goes to marry another girl.

When a girl's uniform is stained with blood,
She has to feel embarrassed,
Why?? Isn't it something normal?

Why is this kind of injustice only happening to the girls and women in the society,
And yet, no one raises their voice to talk about it.

For us to change our society, we need to change our thinking,
We need to change ourselves so that our next generation can find the society which we are in need of right now.

Instead of only blaming the girls and looking for faults in them,
Why don't we see that situation from that girl's point of view?
Do you know what she is going through?
And there you are, Finding faults in her instead of being with her to find a solution to her problems.

Dear Girls,
I know you are strong,
I believe in you,
No matter what the society tells you,
Keep moving on,
I know it hurts,
But you will get over it.


Today's poem is a bit long🤭
Tell me what you think about it in the comments, And VOTE!!
Thank you for reading :)

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