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|chapter 2|

"You two... You should calm down a little when it comes to food, you know.." Takane scratches the back of her neck as she watches them eat their food in a rapid speed.

"B-But... The food here is delicious..! Since Taka-nee's cooking are... very.. unsatisfying... " Harune managed to mumble while food were in her mouth. Takane tries to not do anything harsh to the kid as she clenches her fists.

"Oh, hey. You got a crumble over there." Takane points to her mouth but Harune didn't get it. She reached for the wasted food and removes it on the girl's mouth.

"Eehh~ The both of you look so cute when you're that close~! You're like real siblings." Haruka releases an unwanted comment, while Takane blushes slightly. Harune just giggled and continue eating.

"Taka-nee, let's all ride the roller coaster after this!" Harune smiles widely and continued eating.

"S-Sure. Haruka, too?"

"Haru-nii is a part of our family, too." Harune didn't realized what she had just said but it made Haruka smile.

"Hmph.. Good for you, Haruka.." Takane smiles at Haruka, as she crosses her arms. Haruka nodded happily.

"Mhm! Hey, Takane, Harune, this isnt the last time we all play together, right?!"

"Yup! Haru-nii, always come to our house so you could see Taka-nee!" She flinched and hid her face with her long bangs. Embarrassment was taking over her body. Some part of her didn't want to hear any of this, but most of her wishes he says yes.

"Of course, Harune! That's a promise. We'll all play together since it's already summer time."

"Haru-nii, I'll come back home after summer." Harune mumbles sadly, stopping the tears that was threatening to fall on her cheeks.

"Hey! Harune, you'll come back next summer anyways, right?!" Takane encourages her with a clenched fist and with a visible determination.

"I can't promise, but I'll try hard!"


"Oh no, no, no! Here we g- KYAAAAH!" Takane's scream was almost heard in and out the park, but no one seemed to be bothered by it because they were too busy focusing on the breeze that was blowing against their cheeks as the roller coaster ride went down quickly.

Then all Takane learmt that day was that she was a scaredy cat when it comes to reality.

But as they reached the stop, Takane felt a little bit sadness engulfing her whole body. She actually enjoyed the ride, after all.

"Takane, wasn't that fun?" Haruka gently helps her to get up since she seemed to be glued on her seat.

"Yup.. I-It was actually fun." Takane giggles. Haruka never expected this kind of answer from her and so the butterflies in his stomach seemed to have started a feast again. And he felt like he fell for her all over again. It was like the sensation he would be felt when he first saw Takane.


Yes. That was the right word. But the feeling of nervousness seemed to somehow change in a blink of an eye. It was more to positive than to negative.

And it was then when they both got lost into each other's eyes, as if they were the only ones that were existing in the whole world. The time seemed to have stopped for them and didnt decided to go away ever again.

But it was also then when Harune had interrupted everything. Yes, everything.

"Uu... I think I have motion sickne- BLUEGH!"

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