Ch15- The truth

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Kourtney's pov,

After everyone hugged me they left the apartment and it was only me and Marie. Dean went to my room to take a nap as they were awake all night.

"Did you tell everyone I had sex with Luke?" I asked her worriedly. She smirked and said "Owww it's Lukeyyy" I groaned and said "Tell me first" "okay okay. No I didn't tell anyone about that. I told them that you stayed at a hotel since you were stressed" she replied and I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh by the way I'm gonna go on a date with Luke. He asked me out" I said while grinning at her. She squealed and hugged me. "But what about Alvin? The acting and Dean?" She asked me worriedly.

I thought for a moment before saying "I think I should talk to Alvin and we should come out clean to Dean" she nodded and said "Okay. But listen Kourtney I swear I never saw Alvin even touching someone's hand. Like he's such a germaphobe. But he hugged you. I think he likes you"

I blushed slightly and said "Maybe he was just worried it's nothing else. I should go and talk to him. You get some rest" she nodded and I headed towards Andrew and Alvin's apartment.

I knocked and Alvin opened the door. "Hi Kourtney. Im sorry to tell you but that hug meant mothing. It was just a reflex I guess" he told me and waited for my response. His statement hurt me a little bit but I managed a smile and said "It's okay Alvin. Listen we need to tell Dean the truth because it's not fair on him. And I'm gonna start seeing someone so we should end this drama" For a minute I think i saw disappointment on his face.

But he recovered soon and said "okay. We will tell Dean the truth. Anyway who is this person with whom you will start a romantic relationship with?" He asked me and I said "Well um his name is Luke Halt. We haven't gone on a date yet" he nodded and said "okay then we should tell Dean the truth in the evening"

I agreed and left to go home. I got a text from an unknown number saying

-Hey Kourtney it's me Luke. Hope you reached home safely. I was thinking we could have dinner tommorow night if you're free. Text me your adress I'll pick you up❤

I texted him my adress and then took a nap cause I was too exhausted. I bet Riley and I both didn't go to work today.


I was watching tv with Dean making small talks when I heard knocks on the door. I opened it to see Alvin. We both went and sat with Dean. "Uh Dean we have something to tell you" I told him and he looked at both of us waiting for us to speak. I looked at Alvin and he sighed before saying "Us dating and everything that you saw was a lie. We were acting like we're dating. But we're not"

Dean looked at us like we're crazy. Oh boy.

The time I fell in love with a physicistWhere stories live. Discover now