Cotton Candy Milkshake

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1 tub of Vanilla Ice Cream
2 large containers of Cotton Candy
4 tablespoons of Sugar (total)
3 cups of Milk (total)
Pink Food Coloring
Blue Food Coloring
Blue or Pink Sugar Crystals (optional)

Step by Step:

1- Start by place half the tub of ice cream, 1/2 a container of cotton candy, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 and 1/2 cups of milk and either your blue or pink food coloring (6 drops) into a blender. *Note: Whichever color you start with, will be the main color of the shake.

2- Blend on high for about 2 minutes, until smooth.

3- Wet the rim of each glass and dip into sugar crystals, to line the rim of each glass with sugar. (optional)

4- Pour into glasses, filling each one 1/2 way.

5- Repeat this process, using whichever food coloring you did not use in the previous batch.

6- Pour mixture into the center of each glass until full.

7- Top each glass with remaining cotton candy.

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