The date

525 7 18

Bose point of view

Today I'm going out with Mika the most smartest girl I know she's sweet, kind, beautiful and lovely I can't wait to see her in her outfit.

Bose : "now what do I wear I'm gonna wear a tuxedo no wait yes that's what I'm wearing."

Bose mum : " Bose come downstairs your gonna be late."

Bose :"I'm coming."

*Knocking on Bose window*

Bose: "chapa."


Bose :"what are you doing here ".

Chapa :"first of all help me get in".

Bose :" fine."

Chapa :" thanks."

Bose: " ur welcome,but what are you doing here."

Chapa :"nice tuxedo."

Bose :"chapa".

Chapa:"I only came here because I need to talk to you."

Bose:" ok what's it about".

Chapa :" well I wanted-".

*Bose mum comes in *

Bose mum :" Bose I said,oh hey chapa did you come to meet Bose".

Chapa :"well yes because I need to tell him something".

Bose mum :" why don't you come downstairs Bose is late you can talk to me."

Chapa: "okay."


Bose mum : " okay bye Bose."

Chapa :"good luck on your date."

Bose:"thanks bye."

Bose mum :"Now back to you what did you want to tell him."

Chapa :" well I wanted to tell him -".

Bose mum :" tell him you like him."

Chapa :"well no."

Bose mum :" then what chapa."

Chapa :" I um ."

Bose mum :" don't you like him."

Chapa :"well I do as a friend".

Bose mum :"so what's it .

Chapa :"I wanted to tell him good luck on his date with Mika".

Bose mum :" okay you Just did ".

Chapa :" Yes bye."

Bose mum :" Are you sure you don't want to wait for him to get back".

Chapa :"no thanks".

Bose mum :" bye ."

Chapa :" byee."

Mika's point of view

Oh my gosh I'm so nervous right now this is my first date I haven't been on a date before I don't even know what to wear.

*Miles comes in*

Mika :"what do you want miles."

Miles:" I came to see you and your oh you haven't gotten into a dress yet what are you waiting for Bose will be here anytime soon and your still in your junk outfit."

Mika :" it's not Junk, it's Just I don't know what to wear .

Miles :"maybe you should wear this ".

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