Broken bond

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Chapa's point of view

I woke up tired my phone next to my side and I remembered what happened yesterday between I and Bose and I told him not to talk to me what have done how will I face him in school today I'm sacred wait why are you scared your Lula Elena chapa de Silva your not supposed to be scared I will just face him in school but don't talk to him at all Just avoid him all day you can do this.


Chapa's mum:"Yes Lula ."

Chapa:"I'm having a terrible headache".

Chapa's mum:"oh my gosh are you okay".

Chapa:" No I'm not."

Mia:" okay your Just Joking the only reason you did this is because you want to skip school today."

Chapa:"Look Mia I said I'm having a terrible headache why would I pull up an act Just because I want to skip school today."

Mia:" Yes you do."

Chapa's mum:" Mia she said she's having headache she's not lieing ."

Mia:" Whatever but I will find out why your doing this."

Chapa:" I don't care."

Chapa's mum:" I will call your teacher and tell him your not going to come to school today."

Chapa:" okay I will be in my room."

Chapa's mum:" okay."

Bose point of view

"I woke up feeling tired and weak I'm not sure why but I'm not feeling good, what happened yesterday Just came back to my mind I tried to forget about it but I couldn't so I got up took my bath, brushed my teeth I picked up an outfit a black hoodie, pair of blue Jeans and white snickers with a little bit of Black stripes on them and I went downstairs."

Bose:"Morning mum."

Bose mum:" Hello darling,how are you doing?


Bose mum :"I made pancakes."


Bose mum:"Here's some Juice."

Bose:" thanks.

Bose mum:"Ur welcome.bose what happened yesterday between you and Mika how was your date.

I was thinking she's gonna ask me about chapa but she didn't I'm okay with that but I can't still get her out of my mind .

Bose:"It was great."

Bose mum:"Okay, I wanted chapa to stay until you get back but she didn't want to and she was acting wired she said she wanted to tell you something maybe she will tell you in school."

Bose:" Oh maybe she will, it's time for me to get to school."

Bose mum:" Should I give you a lift to school."


Bose mum:" okay let's go.

At swag

Bose:" bye.

Bose mum:"bye darling."

I entered the class everyone was there except from chapa I was so confused why isn't she in class or is she doing this because she wants to avoid me I don't think so .

Bose:"hello guys."

Miles and Mika :"hey Bose .

Bose:" where's chapa.

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