Chapter 1-Virgil's Backstory

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It gets very angsty by abt the 8th line of paragraph 6

(3rd Person POV) 

Now to preface this let me just say, Virgil's known that he was different than most kids. Not in the way you see in movies where it's like "Oh this person's different, they have superpowers or some secret that can save the world" now Virgil definitely has secrets but I don't know if they're world changing per say. 

Let's start at when he was 3 years old, his mom (Clarrisa) and dad (Paul) were worried because he still didn't know how to walk and had never said anything. Clarrisa was patient about his but Paul started to get really angry about it, sometimes when Clarrisa's friends would ask about Virgil Paul would start yelling which made Virgil cry and Clarrisa would pick him up and calm both Virgil and Paul down (of course Virgil remembers non of this at his current age of 15 and Paul is not too fond of talking about Clarrisa).  

Virgil finally started to walk and talk when he was 5, his first words being "help me" which is something he heard his mother saying on the phone a lot with one of her friends in a desperate tone after his dad had done something. 

Nothing really happened in his elementary school career except for a few broken bones and what-not because he went to one of those private schools where everything was high security and no one bullied anyone cause no one wanted to ruin their parent's reputation. The only thing that happened was his mom got very sick the last 2 months of his 5th grade year. He was very worried about her because he loved her, not only was she his mom, she was his best friend.

1 week after school got out she had to be taken to the hospital. Virgil asked what was going on but no one would tell him anything because he was "too young" or other things of the sort, but whenever he could he would visit his mother, sometimes with his dad and sometimes riding his bike there. They would talk about his plans for the new middle school he was going to or sometimes he would bring his friends and they would all play board games together. But one day when he rode to the hospital on his bike they wouldn't let him into her room, he had no clue why, he was his son he should be aloud in before anyone. But at some point his dad showed up looking angry, he got scared but then remembered his mom was right down the hall to protect him so he calmed down.

When he was finally let into his mom's room everything was silent, the doctors said nothing and had somber expressions on their faces. When he saw his mom sleeping he lit up and ran to her hugging her to wake her up...but she was cold and still...all her warmth and life was...gone. His dad pushed him out of the way angrily. 

Virgil slowly backed up tears flooded his eyes and he could barely see still trying to remember his mother's warmth, her laugh, her voice...but he couldn't.

A few weeks later Virgil just layed in bed staring at his ceiling, Virgil had lost all of his friends over these past few weeks either because of not talking to them or just flat out snapping at them because he couldn't take holding in his emotions anymore there were too many, anger, sadness, fear, loneliness, jealousy. 

His dad barged in his room ridding him of all of those thoughts though and told him to hurry up and get ready for his new school, it was a public school because they didn't have as much money anymore. 

Now Virgil wasn't mad about going to a public school but he didn't like how strict the teachers were and all the other kids that felt like they were staring at him and judging him all the time. And of course everyone already knew each other so he couldn't really make any friends except for these two boys that were in his "Intro to the visual arts" class named Patton and Logan. They were very nice to him and helped him with his homework, Patton kinda acted like a cool dad, which was nice cause Virgil definitely didn't have one of those, he also had buck teeth which Virgil had to admit were kinda cute, he also had a few freckles scattered around his face.

And Logan well, he was, smart to say the least, Logan apparently got to move up a grade he was so smart. Logan had a bit of rosacea, which he said was a  condition that causes redness and often small, red, bumps on the face. It really just looked like he had a bit too much blush on, but it was also around his jawline and a bit on his shoulders and arms, which I guess is why he always wore turtle necks. I thought it shouldn't really be anything to be ashamed of but I guess it was.

Although Virgil's time in middle school wasn't all that uneventful, to put it blatantly he got bullied now not physically but definitely mentally and Patton noticed and tried to help but Virgil would say it was nothing because well he didn't want Patton getting hurt, Logan would stop people from picking on Virgil from time to time but never said anything about it after other than a simple, "hey, are you alright?".

I guess that brings us to the summer before freshman year (9th grade) he hadn't seen Patton or Logan the past year because they were both a year ahead of him but no one really picked on Virgil anymore, they all got bored because Virgil learned to hide his emotions and not let things like that show as bothering him anymore. 

Virgil's dad always came home drunk now and would pass out on the couch so Virgil would have to pick him up and bring his dad to his room and tuck him in then go to his own room and try to go to sleep which he could rarely do without music or something in the background.

The only thing that really stood out about his freshman year was one day they were reading a short story in English and he was called on to read aloud which already gave him minor anxiety but as soon as he started reading it talked about how the characters mother died right in front of her and it brought Virgil right back to the hospital, his chest started getting tight and he couldn't breathe so he started hyperventilating and crying, he was having a panic attack in the middle of class. So from then on he was labeled by that moment throughout the whole school.

Time Skip: The Start Of Virgil's Sophomore Year (present day)

Hiii I know that was a lot in one chapter and probably a bit confusing but- life, you know? So yeah, HAVE AN AMAZING DAY BYE!!💖🥺👉👈

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