Chapter 3-Thomas' Backstory

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⚠️Slight Trigger Warning⚠️

(3rd Person POV)

Thomas was always a good kid at heart, he tried his best to do the right thing although sometimes the outcome didn't go as planned. But his moms were always supportive. But he wasn't always with his moms.

When Thomas was born his mom and dad were 16 and they couldn't keep him, for his sake and theirs so they gave him to an orphanage. The orphanage treated him well, he made friends but no one ever took him. Two years passed in the orphanage before a nice old man, John, took Thomas in to foster him. 

John taught Thomas how to talk and to read at a very young age. One day Thomas was on John's lap and Thomas was reading a book with him and John fell asleep but no matter how much Thomas tried he couldn't wake John up, he screamed and cried for almost 10 minutes before the neighbors came to check on him, the door was unlocked so they came in worried what happened. They saw John on the floor and called 9-1-1 immediately , it took a while but an ambulance got there and brought John into the back of the ambulance and Thomas was never a loud to see him again.

 It was about a year after what happened with John when a lesbian couple, Sarah and Marsh, adopted him. They made him feel very safe and welcome but he still had that fear of them leaving him in anyway, so much so that after Sarah finished reading to him and left the room he would start sobbing and they would have to come in and wait for him to fall asleep before they left. They eventually got into a routine though.

About 2 years later it was Thomas' first day of elementary school, he was going into kindergarten, he was so excited to actually make friends his age! When Thomas got there he went up to a group of kids, one little girl was saying how her daddy worked as an engineer and her mom was a lawyer. Thomas said 'Oh, that's awesome! My mom is an actress and my other mom is an activist'. All the kids stared at him disgusted, Thomas was confused and asked if he had something on his face and everyone laughed at him.

After school that day Thomas practically ran to his Mom's car when he saw her in the carpool lane. Sarah asked why he was so sad and he told his mom what had happened that day. Sarah went quiet for a bit, 'mom?' said Thomas worriedly. Sarah told him to wait till they got home and the whole family would have a discussion.

Thomas hugged his mama when they got home and Sarah told Marsh everything, Marsh looked angry but then calmed down and sat Thomas down and they all talked about how some people don't like other people because of stereotypes people make and then they pass that onto their kids. Marsh educated Thomas on a lot of subjects on the lgbtq+ community and taught him how to be respectful.

Over those years in elementary school Thomas got a lot of bull about his moms but defended his parents every time and Marsh and Sarah were always so proud of him.

Although when he got to middle school though he started to get really self conscious about everything, who he was, what he looked like, how he acted, what he liked. He realized that what he wanted to do, theater, was not considered "cool" so he decided to get into the student body, still not at the top of the school's social hierarchy but up there. 

He tried to get people to vote for him but no one would not because of anyone else this time, because of him, they said he was annoying, or too loud, and what hurt most of all was that he was too "big", which was a nice way of saying he was fat, he knew that. 

He was at his locker a few weeks after student council candidates were announced, he was not one obviously. But he did see this guy, his name was Grey, he was part of the dance team and Thomas felt his heart flutter and his face flush when he saw him. 

When he got home he told his Mama immediately she gasped and said he definitely had a crush on this guy, Thomas was confused at first and then his Mama sighed and sat him down and told him he might be bi, or gay. Thomas was ok with that fact for himself, and he was glad he found that out and had a supporting house hold but could only imagine what the kids at school would think. 

Thomas quickly realized he didn't really have an attraction to girls ever after a bit of soul searching he did when he couldn't sleep. 

Thomas thought about telling his one and only friend at school, Vivian, because he knew she would support him and well he had to tell someone. But when he told her she shouted 'Wait! You're gay! OMG!' she was excited for him but everyone else heard, Thomas was so embarrased when everyone turned to stare at him, he started to tear up when people made bad remarks, Vivian apologized profusely but it was too late. 

He walked home that day and just went to his room and sat on his bed sobbing. Both his moms came in, him Mama brought chocolate chip cookies because they were pretty sure they knew what had happened, either he got heart broken or he was outed to the whole school. When Thomas told them what happened they were gonna get ready to beat some kids up but then they came to their senses and they pulled him out of that school and home schooled him for the rest of middle school. 

When Thomas came to high school he didn't care what anyone else thought about him anymore so he joined the drama club and made some great friends and found an accepting community.

Hey! I know this was a bit all over the place but I had to get this done quickly cause I had a birthday party over zoom my friends were hosting for me. Well I hope you have an amazing day! BYEE  🥺👉👈💖

(also quick side note, if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment them, please! And if I mess up and you catch it please comment it! Thank youuu!)

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