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Mama say
Sit down baby, let me tell you a story.
It might scare you a lil but this is story bout Tory
That little boy that you knew living up the street
Lil Tory's parents can't go to sleep.
Mama why? I ask with a face full of confusion.
Mama couldnt come up with not one revolution.
Mama say,
You see baby, let me tell you bout life
The cops tryna kill us.
The cops want us to die.
Mama say, sit down baby, let me do your hair.
And teach you all the things before it's too late to hear.
Mama say, the police aren't good people.
But we gotta listen.
Cause if don't listen, they'll lock us in prison.
Mama say, the police kills even if ur good people.
Mama say, the cop people are all evil
Mama say, let me tell you a story bout Tory.
Tory got shot trying to see Maury.
Maury was his pops who was dying from cancer.
Everybody was lost and needed some answers.
Maury got cancer? I say to mama
Yes he do, but let me get back to the point, and let me say to you
The cops shot Tory and took his life away.
He took his last breath and began to fade
Can you believe that?
They killed him, they stole his life away
Tory was 6 years old!
Tory was like me, doing what he was told.
Torys life mattered, but the cops hearts was cold
Tory got his breath snatched from him she said.
Tory laid on the pavement, already half dead.
Why you tellin me this mama? I say to her.
Because baby girl, you got to learn.
This world can take a turn.
Mama say, the cops ain't good people
Mama say, don't get her wrong, not all of em was evil.
Mama say be a good person so when the bad ones try to lie.
Mama say, she not letting none of her babies die.
Mama say, the cops stop black people day to day.
They kill em too and they get away.
I asked mama why we lived like this
Why they hunting us down.
Why they killing kids.
Mama say the cops are like predators and we're seen as clowns.
The story made me cry so I looked down.
Mama say baby Ian done, this is only the beginning.
The beginning which seemed to be never ending.
Mama say, baby sit down let me tell you a story.
About that cop you thought was good
The cop who killed Tory.

Thoughts? Opinions? They're all welcome.

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