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In loving memory of Chadwick boseman and the many others that have been laid to rest this year.

They say real ones die young
The fakes live forever
Hell on earth
And it doesn't get any better
So many black kings died in this year alone
Death is near, and it's loud with tone
Real ones die young
But their souls live forever
Impacting the world throughout this stormy weather.
This is my words to you, a love filled letter
I hope these words don't fill as light as a feather.
The real ones die young
Their spirits remain true
Mothers losing their sons
And we like what is there to do?
Everybody wants to be a hero
Everybody wants to wear a cape.
Everybody wants something
Nobody ever has faith
So many black kings lost in this year alone
The clock of death ticking
Is sickening with its tone.

George floyd
Breonna Taylor
Alatiana Jefferson
Aura Rosser
Stephon Clark
Alton sterling
Kobe Bryant
Freddie Gray
Janisha Fonville
John Lewis
Nekita Waligwa
Chadwick Boseman
Have died in this year
It's so many other names
But I can't say without a tear.
2020 is something we can never forget
2020 is the match we haven't had yet.
Our cries of agony.
Our hurt and dismay.
The disbelief in the air.
The cries coming in waves.
So many black queen and kings
Been laid to rest this year.
So many other people will die
I can't say without tears.
The impact these people have had on this very earth.
Will forever be remembered alongside their hearse.
So many black kings and queens
Have been laid down to rest
But to all my kings and queens
I wish you all the best.



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