chapter 4 - Absolutely Perfect

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Your POV

"Well. Looks like that's everyone." I said.

"Yep. Tonight was a pretty awesome night." Nate said.

We both looked to the table that was next to us it had at least 20 gifts on it all from fans. I suddenly got a text from Awsten.

Awsten C. Knight💕: (y/n) where'd you goooooo I'm lonelyyyy don't leave me by myselfff.

"Well looks like you're gonna be busy tonight. And I don't mean with the presents." Nate laughed and I punched his arm jokingly.

"Well if I'm supposed to be 'busy' then we'd better get going." I said.

We grabbed the gifts that were on the table and we headed to our tour bus. And there waiting for me on the couch eating from my chocolate bar was Awsten. He had the cutest smile as he sat there watching us find a place for the gifts. Once we put everything down I went to the couch and sat next to Awsten. I was so tired from performing but I wanted to go and explore Texas with Awsten. I jumped out of the couch and said

"So what should we do first?? We could go get dinner, we could go to a park and look at the stars, the world is our and we can do whatever we want."

Nate rolled his eyes and went into his bunk.

"I have an even better idea but first. You've gotta clean up. Get more fancy." Awsten said.

I watched as Awsten left the tour bus. I didn't make much of it as I needed to find a look that would blow him away. I put on my black skater skirt and my white crop top and to the best of my ability, I curled my hair. I re applied highlighter in the same spots as I did before the band's performance and I waited on the couch for Awsten.

Awsten's POV

The second I got outside I started texting Jawn.

Me: Yo Jawn can you meet me at Discovery Green in like 5-10 minutes?

Jawn: Sure thing, why though?

Me: Because I have something really special I want to do. Oh yea bring your camera.

Jawn: Bet.

I put on a a white tee shirt and then my newspaper printed sweater and grabbed my guitar. As I was about to lock my car I got a text from (y/n)

(y/n)❤: Awstennnnn where'd you goooooo I'm lonelyyyy don't leave me by myselfff.

Me: I'm almost ready just give me a few seconds.

I looked into my phone to see my reflection. I fluffed my hair up a bit and went to the tour bus.

"Wow. You- you look stunning." I said. I looked her up and down. She looked like an angel

"I know I do. Now let's go!!" She said.

We walked out of the tour bus and we began our travels. (y/n) had a slight look of concern as she didn't know where we were going. I grabbed her hand and I told her,

"Don't you worry I promise you'll love it. I know this is weird because we just met today but I really think we have something special and it seems to me that we have a pretty special bond for only knowing each other for a few hours."

She looked and me and smiled, She looked down at our hands and blushed a bit.

"Y'know. I never thought I'd ever hold hands with a guy outside of Nate. I was always the outcast in everything I ever did but you seem to not care about any of that."

She stopped us from walking and she hugged me. It felt as if all the time in the world had stopped for us to hug. She started crying and I hugged her even harder. I pulled away from the hug and wiped away her tears.

"Well I don't think you're an outcast. I think you're absolutely perfect."

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