Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Riverdale was split into two part, the North and the South Side. People who were from one side usually hated the other but that didn't include the Northside princess Elizabeth Cooper also known as Betty. The young blonde woman always felt like the people of Riverdale should all get along and come together instead of always fighting. She never understood why people like Archie, her best friend, always looked down on the people from the Southside but things were about change for not only Riverdale but for Betty as well.

She was currently leaning against her headboard with a book in hands, reading Beloved for the 6th time this year, when suddenly her bedroom door was opened and in walked her mother giving Betty a nervous smile as she walked towards her.

"Hey mom." Betty quickly greeted with a smile, closing her book and placing it besides her but not taking her hand off of it. "Hey sweetheart. What are you up too?" the older blonde replies, taking a seat at the edge of Betty's bed, sending off an unusual vibe that Betty quickly picked up on, the younger blonde looked over at her mother with furrowed eyebrows and straightened up her back when she realized something was wrong "Mom, what's wrong?" She then asked, tilting her head over the side.

Alice quickly let out a nervous chuckle that made Betty narrow her eyes at her making Alice swallow a huge lump in her throat "Okay,sweetheart listen, Your father is about to come into your mom and tell you that things between the North and the Southside will begin to get better, basically we'll be calling a peace treaty" The woman said, making Betty jump up from her bed in pure joy, clasping her hands together as she smiled widely "Oh my god, mom finally!" She chirped out but her excitement quickly died down when she seen her mother's expression. "This is good right mom?" Betty then asks warily, slowly walking over towards where her mother is sitting. Alice quickly got up and ran a hand through her golden curls before clearing her throat and finally able to face her daughter and break the news to her daughter before Hal did but when she was about to speak, in walked Betty's father and the mayor of riverdale, Hal Cooper.

"Sweetie, hey" Hal greeted as he walked inside with a smile, his hands inside of his pockets.

Betty once again narrowed her eyes over at her mom then over at her dad, crossing her arms across her chest "Okay, seriously what the hell is going on?" She asked. Hal let out a breath and looked over at Alice with a knowing look before looking back over at his daughter. "Betty, I'm assuming by now that your mother told you the good news about the North and Southside. Am I correct?" he asks which Betty quickly nodded her head yes but slowly. "Yes she has but I know there is more to this." Betty adds.

Betty watched as both Hal and Alice stared at each other before cleaning their throats making Betty frustrated "Oh my god, just tell me already" Betty sassed out, rolling her eyes at her parents.

"In order for this deal to work, we need you to marry someone from the Southside and thankfully, F.P, the king of the Serpents has agreed to let you marry his son, jughead" Hal finally said, waiting for his daughter to break down in either anger or sadness but was completely shocked when Betty's lips curved upwards into a smile, her cheeks redding at the thought of finally being with someone.

"Really? I'm getting married?" Betty asked, a little sparkle appearing in her eyes that made both her parents smiled slightly at the way their daughter reacted.

Betty was happy and excited to finally be able to call someone her husband, especially of that someone is Jughead, the man she's secretly loved for years but the same can't be said for Jughead, who was barely given the news and was already fueling in anger. Looking over at his father with a deadly scowl, and if looks can kill then F.P Jones would be a dead man. "Jug, calm down" The older serpent commanded, trying his best to contain his son's anger but from the looks of it wasn't working out in his favor.

"Calm down! You want me to calm down, seriously!" Jughead yelled out, anger clearly seen on his face standing up from the chair he was sitting in a few seconds before. He began to pace back and forth trying to wrap his head around this stupid arrangement that his father dragged him into. F.P simply rubbed his eyes, leaning backwards onto his chair and let out a ragged sigh "I honestly don't understand what's so bad about all of this?" The old man asks, making Jughead even more angry than he already was, turning around to look at his old man and walking right up to the desk, slamming his fists onto it letting out a menacing growl "Oh really? Then why don't you marry the bitch?" He asks through gritted teeth and before Jughead knew it he watched his father get up from his chair and walked over to him, grabbing Jughead by the collar of his jacket and bringing him closer to him harshly "Listen here you little shit, I know that you're not really fond of the Northside since I'm not either but I will not tolerate you offending her, not Betty." F.P growls out, matching the scowl Jughead has.

Jughead simply rolled his eyes and managed to escape from his father's grip, fixing his jacket and letting out a huff before walking out of his office and straight downstairs to have a drink and enjoy the night.

Quickly heading towards the bar where his friends and current girlfriend were standing. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" Toni asks from the other side of the bar.

"Nothing, just serve me a fucking beer" Jughead replies, running his hands through his hair once he took a seat, his two friends and fellow serpents sitting on either side of him. "Seriously Jones, what's wrong? You look like you're about to kill somebody" Sweet Pea says, taking a drink out of his beer. Jughead looked over to where Toni was before answering his friend's question "I'm getting married" Jughead responded, making both Sweet Pea and Fangs spit out the beer they had in their mouth. "Dude, you can't be serious" Sweet pea then says wiping his mouth while Jughead grabs a napkin and wipes off some of the spit his friends just spit out.

"I wish I was but I'm not" Jughead replies in a low tone, looking down at himself.

"But Toni didn't-" Fangs began but was interrupted by Jughead "That's because I'm not marrying her, I'm marrying Betty Cooper, the pretentious Northside princess" Jughead answers, feeling like he was spitting out venom from his mouth. The two serpents looked at each other then back over at Jughead.

"But why?" Fangs then asks, feeling confused by everything his friend just said but before jughead could respond, Toni walked over to them with a smile and with a beer in hand. "Here you go babe" She says, sliding the beer over to her boyfriend, watching as he quickly picks it up and takes a drink out of it. "Do you mind?" Jughead then says as he places the drink back down onto the bar top, Toni scoffs in response and rolls her eyes before walking away and tends to a few customers that had just walked in.

"Hal Cooper wants to bring the two sides together, so he thought by marrying his snobby daughter off with someone from the Southside would help that and apparently my father fell for it and offered me up like a sacrificial goat" The beanie wearing boy said, taking another drink out of his beer.

"But you're 17? Is it even legal?" Sweet Pea then adds, not entirely hating the thought of finally bringing peace to town. "And besides I don't think Betty Cooper is such a snob" He adds, grabbing the attention of his two friends that were sitting beside him. "Everyone from the Northside are snobs and arrogant, so I doubt she's any different especially but if I have to go along with this sham then I'm going to make sure I have my fun" Jughead says, making Fangs and Sweet Pea look at each other with worry but not for Jughead but for Betty.

"I'm going to make sure that the little Northside Princess has the marriage from hell' He says with an evil grin. 

A/N: So I want to clear somethings up, Jughead will not rape Betty, everything in this book is consensual but he will treat Betty like shit for the first few chapters that they are married but not too bad since have to read to find out but you all have to tell me if I should continue this or not?

Remember this is a short story just like The Interview so it will finish soon. 

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