Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The tension surrounding Betty and Jughead consumed them. Neither of them knew how to come to terms with what they felt for each other and while their kiss grew hungrier, their minds were still running wild with thoughts. Jughead bit down onto her lip causing Betty to open her eyes and realize what she's doing and who she's doing it with. The blonde pushed her hands against his chest and shoved him off leaving Jughead in shock, trying his best to wrap around what just happened.

"NO!" She yells out. Quickly getting up from the bed, wiping her mouth away as if she could actually wipe off the wonderful sensation of his lips pressed against hers. "You can't just kiss me after you've called me a slut! Not after telling me that I meant absolutely nothing to you!?" She snaps, pointing her index towards him, flinging it around with anger and with tears escaping her eyes. Jughead sits up on the bed and runs his hands through his dark locks as he continues to listen to her little rant. "Are you going to say something!? Anything at all!? Or is that too much to ask?" She asks, her hands now placed on her hips smirking in disbelief.

"You want me to say something?" He begins, standing up from the bed slowly beginning to walk slowly towards her once again, his gaze set on her. Hating how she feels weak in the knees everytime his attention is on her. "Alright then, why the hell were you with that red head this morning huh?" he asks, stopping midway leaving a good amount of space between them. Betty swallowed a lump in her throat, trying her best not to clench her fist together. The one thing she hated was confrontation, but she did nothing wrong so she wasn't about to back down, not when he's the one who should be apologizing to her, not the other way around. "I will tell you why I was with him, if you tell me why you care." She states. "And the "You're mine" excuse won't cut it. I want the truth" She then says, fed up with his stupid little games.

Jughead let out a shaky breath as he continued to look over at her, shutting his eyes for a quick second then opened them back up "I honestly don't know why I care so much" He begins, running his hand down his face trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he may actually care more for this girl than he's wanting to admit. "All I know is that I can't no other guy around you, I want you to be mine and only mine" He says, not knowing exactly how to explain what he is feeling.

Betty narrows her eyes at the choice of words he used, her arms crossed across her chest. She knows she should feel flattered but she isn't, this beautiful sculpted man has insulted her several times, used her for her body, and on top of that he beat up her gay best friend after showing up with the same girl, he was planning on keeping around as his lover, so no she wasn't falling for his stupid little charm, not this time. Betty looked over to the side, wiping a single tear off her cheek then looked back over at him, licking her lips with her hands back on her hips. The silence was beginning to unnerve Jughead and was about to say something else but before he could speak, she began to talk "Last night, you made a few things clear for me so it's only fair that I do the same. "She says, swallowing a bit of saliva and feeling a little bit too nervous "If you're going to be having affairs throughout our marriage then don't expect me to sit at home and be a good housewife to you, I'm naive not stupid. I may have given in to you last night, handed you my body on a silver platter but if I'm not the only woman in your life then last night will never happen again. Do I make myself clear, Jughead? If you touch her or any other girl, I won't even let you touch me again." She says her eyes glued onto his, not daring to tear them away.

Silence once again overtook them, the tension in the air wasn't going anywhere and neither of them was backing down.

"I think I've made myself clear, you can go now." She then says, breaking the uncomfortable silence they were in. All throughout their little confrontation, neither of them have managed to pull their eyes away from one another, feeling like if they were to the other would disappear.

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