Chapter 4

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A/N: Brace yourself for this very long chapter also I got my chapter confused, the wedding isn't the next chapter but I hope you enjoy this :) 

Chapter 4

Ever since Betty Cooper was a freshman, she'd harbored a crush on the young Serpent Prince, even back when he was still considered the loner weirdo of all of Riverdale High. The young blonde had always noticed him, noticed everything about him, loving all of the good and admiring all of the bad. There was nothing that Jughead Jones could do wrong in her eyes and that's probably why her heart hurts so bad right now. Laying in a fetal position, fully clothed by now and sobbing out of pure pain but not from the physical pain but from the internal pain he inflicted on her.

She gave him something that she valued, something that she cherished and yet he didn't care, he didn't even want her and that's probably what hurts her the most. The fact that he wanted someone else, the fact that he saw her as a disturbance when all she sees in him is perfection. Betty lays awake, tears continuing to escape her beautiful green eyes and ignoring every single knock from her parents and every single phone call that were probably from Veronica and Cheryl, probably calling to ask about how the dinner went but Betty was way too embarrassed and hurt to even try and spit out the word, she herself hasn't really wrapped her mind everything that happened and come to terms with the fact that the man she's liked ever since freshman year isn't the man she thought he was. Crying and crying until finally both her mind and her body were exhausted.

The innocent blonde beauty, didn't even remember falling asleep when suddenly she was woken up by her alarm. Sitting up in shock feeling tired as ever but still managed to turn off her alarm, slowly getting up from bed and limping over to her bathroom to begin her morning routine. She didn't even bother checking her phone since she still wasn't really ready to join the harsh reality she lives in. Cheryl was right, she did live in a fantasy world and she so desperately wanted to go back but she couldn't, she shouldn't. Betty took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and moisturized. Trying to stay busy so her mind wasn't constantly thinking about everything that happened and ignoring the pain she felt between her legs and the pain she felt in her heart. She stood in front of her dresser, looking through the new underwear she had bought the other day and finally ended up choosing a white push up bra and a white lace thong, she thought that if she was going to be miserable inside then at least she'd look good on the outside. She slipped into her undergarments before walking over to her closet quickly pulling out a beautiful blue dress with a v neck and hugged her curves rather beautifully. As she slipped it on, Betty heard her phone ring but ignored it once again, thinking she'd call whoever it was when she felt like it.

Once she was dressed, she blow dried her hair then curled it once she was done she placed her golden curled locks into a ponytail. Deciding to then do her makeup, going for a natural look.

By the time she was done, Betty felt like a new woman and in a way she was. She looked up at herself in the mirror and smiled, actually liking the way she looked despite the way she felt on the inside. Betty was walking back into her room so she could remove the sheets and replace them with new ones when suddenly her door opened and in walked her mother with a bright wide smile. "Good morning sweetheart." She began but then paused looking at her daughter with pure amazement "Wow, you look stunning sweetie, what's the occasion?" She asked, walking over to her daughter.

Betty simply shrugged, looking directly at her mother, fighting hard to keep her tears from coming down her cheeks "No reason, I just wanted to feel beautiful" Betty answers once again shrugging her shoulders, her answer making Alice frown and her heart clench at the words her daughter used. "Sweet, you are beautiful. And whoever doesn't see that is blind." The older blonde quickly says, placing her hand under her daughter's chin and making her look up "I don't know where all of this is coming from but no one is worth your tears sweetheart. You're far too precious for that." Alice then says. Giving her daughter a small smile, one that Betty returns, nodding her head as if she agreed to what her mother has said.

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