Chapter 5 Girl next door

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It was Friday morning and Darshan was going to Delhi. While sitting in the flight he couldn't stop thinking about his new neighbor whom he met yesterday afternoon. He just had came out from his home studio when he heard a commotion outside his flat and he decided to open the door to check what's it about.

Darshan's Pov

     I saw a girl dragging another girl threatening her to shut her mouth. I think they were sisters. Both girls were looking so cute . The elder girl had dark brown hair and a beautiful pair of hazel colored eyes. The younger one was a bubbly girl.As soon as they saw me both of them were shell shocked. I could clearly make it out from their facial expressions. The younger one couldn't  take the shock and passed out seeing me.  I was terrified and so was her sister. She was so confused whether take care of her sister or rather to look at me. I could see her staring at me with utter shock. I was later relieved to find that the younger girl is my fan and was excited to meet me. However, her sister was not happy meeting me or rather say very much annoyed with her lil sister.
        She is different unlike other girls, who go crazy for me. She was least interested in me and my talks. She didn't take selfie with me nor was she interested in my autograph. When her sister/my cute fan invited me to have ice cream with them I didn't want to deny but seeing her uneasiness I denied.  I so wanted to go and relax but at same time didn't want invade their private time especially when one of them doesn't like my company. 
       Today morning I was happy to see her again. Buy yet again could see uneasiness in her eyes. As if she didn't get enough sleep yesterday. I could clearly sense her annoyance when I invited her cousin for my concert. Her family is so nice. Everyone in her family are so cool. Her grandma is cute. I liked the way she said "please take care of our Natasha she is a good girl." I liked the fact that though they met me only little time back they trusted me much and were literally telling me to care of my neighbor.I could see her good girl shooting glares at her. Oooh God she looked so cute then . Its not that I haven't seen cute girls before but something about her is different. Her eyes look like they wanted to tell a lot but were scared to open up.

End of Darshan's Pov

            How much ever he tried to avoid her thoughts from coming to his mind, he just couldn't do it. He decided to take a nap but those beautiful hazel eyes couldn't let him to sleep. He hoped and wished that he could soon meet her again.

        After reaching Delhi with his crew Darshan checked in to his hotel and then went for sound check. Next day Saturday he had his concert and as usual it was jam packed with fans and he set the stage on fire with his mind blowing songs. He had a meet and greet session after his concert and after that he straight away boarded his flight back to Mumbai.

Hellllooo there. So how did you like this chapter The girl next door. I know you might be hating Natasha because she is not unlike other girls. But as the story moves forward you will love her and I promise that. How did you like darshan's pov I found it really  cute when he could sense Natasha's uneasiness and acted accordingly. Very few people  know the art to act accordingly in a given situation. Will they meet again and will Natasha always be the same with Darshan? Will they be ever friends? Watch this space for yet another update.

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