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I "woke up" at around 6am, i was constantly drifting between the stages of sleep and half-conscious self awareness. Like I was fixing to fall asleep but my body just wouldn't allow me to. Regardless of this, I didn't actually get out of bed until nine. Once I got up I took a quick shower before placing my gun around my calf and my knife around my hip, of course hidden under my clothes. My sword was stashed in my backpack and once I left the hotel I made it to a weaponry shop.

Upon entering I ordered a bow and arrow that would have a similar design to the weapons I currently have, to which the female I requested it to agreed and told me it would take her four days at most. 'Great. Four days. I don't have a chance of being able to finish heavens arena in that time. I just hope Illumi doesn't get me first..' I trailed off in my mind as I thanked the woman before me.

I walked out of the shop and walked around the city I was in. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to Hisoka's room, as Illumi was probably staying there. And if anything the said man would probably want to keep a close eye on his younger brother, so Killua is definitely out of the question. I would go to Gon and try and talk with Killua through the phone or something but Gon and Killua are always together. So there's a very slim chance I would catch one of them without the other, meaning Illumi would also be hanging very closely to Gon.

'I should just leave.. come back in four days for the bow and arrow, then leave for good.' I thought to myself, yet something was pushing me not to. I couldn't figure out what it was exactly, but there was something inside me that told me running away was the wrong option.

Which was stupid because running away should be the only right option.. but it just felt wrong. There was something I wasn't quite grasping, and as much as I didn't want to stick around to find out what that 'something' is, i found myself staying. For what though?

Illumi was here. In the same city as me. So why wasn't I running away? Or at the very least try and hide? Or maybe even fight him? Hell, any of those options would be better than just staying here and doing nothing. And as I further questioned my actions, I started questioning the long haired males actions as well.

I am here. In the same city as him. So why wasn't he trying to kill me? Was he waiting for the right moment? You'd think that after months of trying to find someone, you would want to hurry and get the job done. So why wasn't he trying to get me?

I know Hisoka mentioned how Illumi was "interested in me", could that be part of it? Hisoka did say that Illumi enjoy our "game", so maybe he's giving me a second chance? Or a free pass? 'No, that's a stupid thought. Illumi is here to carry out a mission. He wouldn't give me a free-b just cause I entertained him a little.'

I thought to myself before letting out an inaudible sigh. Breaking away from my thoughts I noticed I had appeared in front of a coffee shop, which I gladly entered to get breakfast in. Once I walked inside I sat my bag down beside me, and not long after a waiter came to take my order.

"Hello ma'am/sir/person, what can I get for you today?" They asked; a polite smile played on their lips, which no doubt was practiced. I paid no mind though as I ordered what I thought looked tastiest along with my preferred drink. "Alright! I'll be back shortly with your meal." And with that the waiter walked off.

Not long after the waiter walked off I got a chill down my spine, and the feeling that I was being watched. I sneakily glanced around me, trying to find the only person that would be watching me at the moment. Of course, i didn't find him anywhere, and i knew I couldn't try sensing him with nen because that would make it all the more obvious i knew he was there.

So instead, I kept my guard up the entire time I sat at the small café. Although I kept a calm and lose exterior, on the inside I was ready to grab my weapons at any point and time if needed.

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