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The four days passed and I got my weapon. Ultimately, it wasn't a shock that Hisoka tried to pressure me to leave Heavens arena, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave just yet.

So here I was, maybe three weeks from the time I got by bow and arrow. I sat with Wing and helped him teach Gon and Killua nen, it wasn't very surprising to me that, with the very little time they had, they basically learned all the beginners tips.

It was quite obvious that Hisoka was no where near pleased with my decision to stay, and he made it very clear from the beginning. He warned me countless times that whatever was going through my head obviously was leaded by ignorance and false hope that Illumi wouldn't get bored of me.

And of course, staying here didn't leave me completely in bliss. I still had to constantly look over my shoulder to make sure the black-haired male didn't get too close while watching me. The only time I felt like I was safe from his peering eyes were behind the closed doors of my room, and even then I was still cautious.

It didn't help my nerves either that almost every night I would have the same nightmare. I would be running in a forest somewhere, and although I couldn't see or hear the person chasing me, I still had the urge to run and the feeling of being chased.

At some point, I would feel someone's hand slightly touch my shoulder; some nights it was simply a finger or two that touched the back of my shirt, other nights it was their hair the dignified how close they were. It didn't entirely matter in the end though, because their hand would end up clamping down on my shoulder as they forcefully jerked me backwards. And before I could see the person, I woke up.

I dismissed these dreams as just be being overly worried about Illumi catching me, but for the same dream to happen every day as I woke up in a cold sweat... it started to get overly repetitive and annoying.

I pushed these repetitively occurring thoughts aside, as I had been worrying and thinking about the same things for quite some time now, as I heard a knock at the door. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and walked over to the door, standing on my tip-toes to look through the peep-hole. I didn't see anyone, but decided I would open the door regardless incase it was Gon or Killua playing a prank on me.

Once I opened the door wide enough to were my frame could lean out of the corridor, which was what I was planning to do, I felt a cold breeze suddenly rush past me. I'm not even sure if you could call it a breeze by the way my hair shifted from the air quite a bit.

I felt a cold chill down my spine and the feeling of being watch was once again pricking the back of my head. I quickly looked out into the hallway and saw nobody, then opted to close the door to get the sickly feeling of being watched away from me.

Just as the door was closed enough to where my body couldn't slip through, the door slammed shut behind me with a very loud bang. I jolted in place and on instinct reached for the knife I had in my thigh holster.

Not long after I quickly whipped around and went to stab the person, but before I could my wrist was caught by unfamiliar cold hands with sharp nails. My first thought was that it was Hisoka because I didn't know anyone else with overly long nails, but as soon as I tried to move my hand away and the grip tightened and that thought was quickly dismissed.

Snapping my eyes up, I caught sight of the same man I had been "running away from". Or, at least up until recently been waiting around for him to catch me. It was only at this moment, staring into his large, doll like eyes, that I realized how majorly I fucked up.

It was very clear to me now that I should have listened to Hisoka, I should have just left while I still had the chance. I should have never came to Heavens Arena. I should have listened to Killua. I should have listened to my inner conscious.

On The Run ~Illumi X Reader~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon