C.1 Gone

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"Well it doesn't look any different" , have you got your head screwed on right sister ? , did you hear the part when I said...happy's gone ! . Ok everyone calm down , snow says in a hush tone, David round everyone up at  grannies , Emma and Elsa check the neighboring woods ,Regina  and i will secure the town line . 

Mom always knew what to say , her Stern yet reassuring voice sends a wave of comfort throughout my body , releasing the built up tension in my stomach . Come on let's go,  elsa says giving me a knowing smile . 

The silhouette of branches waving like claws in the wind towering over us sends a chill down my spine , creating a meadow of goosebumps running  across my arms . The sun setting creating a flicker of light allowing only the view of my feet and the outline of elsas shadow to be visible .

"This place is creepy ! isn't it elsa ", Elsa ?! . My breath hitched in my throat, my heart pulsing , rapidly trying to escape my chest . Elsa's gone . I whip around , running out of adrenaline as the souls of my feet desperately try to carry the weight of my anxiety filled body. Blood rushes to my head pressing hard on my temples making my vision blurry , bam ! , my feet give up and I hit the ground gashing my knees in the process. 

I sit wrapped up tightly in a blanket,  surrounded by worried eyes looking for answers . It's okay Emma we'll find her , mom says handing me a mug of hot coco With cinnamon. Can you remember anything love ? , Killian says with a hopeful glint in his eyes. The realization  that I can't help pushes my anxiety up into my sore eyes , and escapes in tears , streaking my inflamed cheeks , desperately trying to cool me down .

My walls are now down , allowing the warm embrace of my mothers arms to hold me until I feel strong again.

I lay frozen stuck to my mattress as the rain crashes down hitting the window. My eyes heavy with exhaustion trying to shut , but I can't , the guilt growing inside slowly eating me alive is preventing any movement  . "What happened out there elsa" , "where are you" . It's all my fault I'm the savior , I should've saved  her. 

Emma hunny , moms sweet voice echos through my body as she walks towards me , sitting down on the edge of my bed. The first thing a mother learns is how to comfort her daughter , mother says , a sigh escaping her lips , unfortunately we missed that step, however I do know that bedtime stories work for most , even  adults , mom says gently stroking her hand over my forehead and opening the first page to "the ugly duckling" . She begins with once upon a time , and my sore eyes finally give in to my exhaustion .

I open my eyes to misty skies. The quiet whispers of my family in the kitchen, the sizzling sound of grease browning what smells like pancakes to a crisp , "morning already" ? , I say sitting up , and as I do , the intense pain of my battered skin brings me back to reality.  A wave of dread washes over me , I carry the weight of my tired body down the stair , and into the kitchen , where their whispers stop and all eyes are now on me .

H- hey Emma how are you ? , Regina says stuttering and forcing a smile. "Fine" , I say coldly pushing my way to the nearest chair . Want some pancakes with cinnamon, fresh cream , topped with strawberries? , Henry says putting on a posh accent making me giggle , "why that would be delightful" I reply playing along. 

So Emma , dad says inhaling deeply ,  we where thinking of giving you the day off , and we'll take it from here .  I look around at everyone insistingly nodding and roll my eyes . "No way am I gonna stay here when i could be out helping" . But - "no buts, I don't care how sore I am , I'm helping" . 

That's Emma for ya , Regina says picking up a rucksack and hanging it over my shoulder. "You're not gonna insist I stay" ? , I say in a mocking tone . Of course not , your Emma swan , whatever we say , you do the opposite. 

We practically run to the scene of the crime , and as we approach , my hands begin to shake uncontrollably. Emma ? , mom says grabbing my hands , it's okay, nothing's gonna hurt you . I force a smile to ease her mind , but I'm afraid there's more to this than anxiety .

Over here ! , "you found something" ! I say pushing everyone aside , a necklace? . "No not just any necklace" , I say brushing the dirt and mud of it . "It's hers" . "Anna gave it to her , she doesn't leave it out of her sight" , "this means"  , mom pulls me into a hug , it's okay Emma , I promise we'll find her. "No"! I say pulling away from her embrace , "I'm supposed to be a savior! , this is my fault which means , I'm the one who needs to find her" . 

Sister , your crazy if you think Your doing this on your own , grumpy says ushering the dwarfs to stand beside him . You have  whole army of people who will fight with you. I look around at the loving smiles from my family and friends .  "Thanks guys , I don't know what I'd do without you"

Ouat the final battleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang