Important Spices 8/10 Introducing Cloves! ☘️🍃Pt.1

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A/N Is it bad I've never tasted cloves? 

Cloves, The name 

I want  to clear up, It doesn't relate to a clover, No not the same

You might have thought it might relate

I will proudly state,

It has no green 

I though it did before I seen

It's part of the evergreen family 

That's interesting to me

It's actually black, As coal

Like pepper, I never talked about that, I don't like pepper too much, If that's a mouthful

Goes with pies

Going with cloves make your pies taste sky high

I really don't know why

I haven't tasted it, Oh my

I'll be back, Next, To talk

About things you can make with cloves, Soon, So don't balk! 

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