kiss, kiss wait she didn't

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I'd skip back to my room, sleepy as hell.
Only to hear, footsteps in the hallway coming towards my door. I'd see a shadow hover over me. I'd say with a sweet voice "Who is it?!??!?" I'd open my eyes, to see her locking lips with me. Caressing my waist and grabbing my ass..while doing so.

I'd gasp while slightly moaning as she slid down my pants rubbing my...uhm well you know what I was going to say.

Right? Anyways, she pulled my panties down to the ground and placed one of her fingers into my hot area...

"Uhm.......ah......ooooh" she grinned and said seductively..."If I did this..would you like that..?" She said pushing her fingers into me farther. I moaned even louder... as from that, she grinned even wider.

I'm about to cum, I'm about to cum, im about to cum....OHHHHHHHH.. I said releasing my juices on her and the bed........I'd wake up, knowing that was a dream...a messy dream. Uhm...yeah...totally a dream right. "What was just a dream?" She turned over in my bed as she grabbed onto my waist pushing me into her.

"Nothing...." I'd gasp I'd get super hard while she did.. to me.
Omg, this going to be a long day....

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