Coma Breakers.

50 3 0

AU?: Magic Universe

People: LadyP-BerlitzPureHeartOfGoldPKMN-Reader-RubyThe-Shining-Diamond, Pearl

Requested by: -SunkissedCinnamon-


It wasn't Ruby's fault that she casted. They had told her to wait until they had the upper hand before doing anything rash. She obviously didn't realize that they had gotten it even after Gold was thrown into the wall for like the fifth time. But at least then they got it. Until Platinum struck.

"Lord and Gods of the heavens, let the winds carry your guard straight into the enemy and send them into defeat! LAST REIGN!"

The spell came crashing upon the large monster as Ruby was slammed into a wall. The pillar of light slowly faded as Platinum collapsed. Ruby groaned as he struggled to get up. Black spots danced in his vision as he stood up. He collapsed trying to move. 

"Ruby!" Gold ran over to him. Ruby smiled faintly at him as he felt his wand heat up. So much for casting that.

"Yeah?" He whispered as Gold helped him onto his back. 

"Are you ok?" Ruby murmured something about walls which made Gold laugh.

"Who casted that?"

"Not sure..." Gold carried him up to where Platinum was. The duo panicked. 

"Platinum!" Ruby got off Gold as they ran to her side. 

"Told you she wouldn't listen."

"I don't think so. Why would she cast if she didn't see the struggle?"

"We had the upper hand!"

"Gold, there's no way for her to see that! She hasn't been taught that yet!"

"Now what?" Ruby frowned. 

"Let's get back to Diamond and Pearl. They'll know what to do."



Gold nearly collapsed on the way. Ruby was able to get them into a cave for the night. He barely slept, which made Gold worry in the morning. But it's not like he didn't do it later. they couldn't figure out a good way to rest and move at the same time. They eventually gave up somewhere in the middle and kept moving. They soon passed out in the middle of a powerful storm and it only got worst.


Ruby shifted as the sun touched his face. He looked at the others as Platinum laid peacefully on Gold. Gold was slowly waking up as Ruby stood up.

"We're alive...? But how..."

"Platinum has that skill, remember? No natural harm is done unless she's awake. The storm rolled over us like a gentle breeze. Let's go." Gold nodded as he got up. Ruby took Platinum as the older mage finished waking up. 


They arrived at the Triad Portal HQ. It was Platinum's next to home. Ruby knock and paused. A very timid voice came out as the door cracked open.

"TPQ. How may we help?"



"Yes. We need a little help." The door widened and the younger boy poked his head out. His hat was off, so his wolf ears popped out. He saw Platinum and froze. "May we come in?"

"First room on the left." 

Diamond disappeared inside, no doubt grabbing Pearl and his book or something. They went in and placed Platinum on the bed. Pearl went in and Gold was lucky he had sat down cause he swung at him. Pearl just stayed quiet as Diamond came into the minor scene. He sighed before bringing over the scroll.

"What happened?"

"She casted even though we had the upper hand."

"She couldn't see the field!" 

The duo laughed at their little exchange before casting a small spell. A light glow circled Platinum before a murmur escaped her. The four went over as she opened her eyes.


"Platinum! Don't do that!"

"What?" They laughed at the sheer confusion as Gold and Pearl high fived and left. "What?"

"Leave it Platinum. But you collapsed." Horror crossed her face.

"Oh... I was going to fire something else, but I got scared after hearing Gold get thrown around that I casted the wrong thing..."

"It's ok. At least you're ok."

"So... who wants to jump on the other two?"


That was... interesting. There was so many ways to do that, but this is what's going up.

Hopefully you liked that. Maybe I'll be able to more like this.

Until next time. See ya!

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