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The first sound she remembered was the sound of chains. The way they echoed convincing her not to open her eyes, out of fear.

Where am I?

She sifted on what felt like metal beneath her, her senses coming back slowly as she was suddenly jolted, an unknown force carrying her upwards. She had no memory of where she was or how she got here, not even her name was thinkable. Moving upwards she started to feel the contraption she was in accelerate, another noise was recognizable, a loud, deep, beeping. When she was jolted for the second time she knew she'd reached her destination, fear consumed her telling her to hide, but the darkness made it impossible. Confused, afraid, curious; she could barely stand the waiting, the contraption teasing her with more fear as another noise blasted her ears; it was opening.

Her eyes were shut when the roof above her clicked open, a large beam of light blinding her closed eyes. She heard another sound, multiple ones; they were voices.

"A girl?" The voice was deep and shaky, a boys voice perhaps. "No way that's a girl! I must've gotten stung or something."

More voices continued to argue, she counted at least sixty, every accent becoming clearer. "Where am I?"

Every voice stopped, the silence allowing her to hear more things. Birds chirping, the distant moos of cows; another sense was used, she could smell grass.

"She's alive?" The voice sounded bitter and she remembered her eyes were still closed. Peeking one eye open, she was surrounded by boys, all looking to be teenagers or kids.

Opening both her eyes she could finally see what contraption brought her here, it was some kind of box. Metal surrounding its four walls and even its bottom, when she look down all she could see was the darkness that once consumed her.

"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything? Why can't I remember my name?"

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