Chapter Three~

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She ended up near the Deadheads, the smell growing bitterly with every step towards the beaten down graves. This was its location, she was almost absolutely certain.

A wave of sadness flooded Ivy, almost making her want to turn away, leave before she saw the names-carved into dead pieces of wood. She only knew two people here, Ben, and Tam. Both fellow runners she'd gotten to know very well upon her arrival, they were her past partners.

The sadness grew, making Ivy remember how she became a runner. The Gladers thinking she was crazy at the time, until hearing her truth about feeling useless. How the maze gave her a strange release, even in the dead of night.

"Ivy? What are you doing out's not safe."

Minho's voice echoed within her. Making her worry return as she focused once again on the stale smell penetrating her nose.

"I thought I heard something, but it turned out to be nothing."

Her voice wasn't convincing. Sadness clung to it, making Minho curious.

"Ivy...why are you back here? Please tell me."

Ivy contemplated on if she should tell him or not, making him worry with something that possibly was nothing at all, just a weird sense tricking her.

"I told you. I thought I heard something!"

She snapped! Her voice making Minho walk closer to her, shushing her. "Shh...I was just asking. I won't ask again, I promise."

She regretted yelling now. Wondering how many Gladers now lay awake, listening for another outburst so they could react. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired that's all."

There was an awkward silence between the two. Neither knowing what to truly say, what to do. They stared at one another, taking in each other's tired state.

"I'm sorry for questioning, I know it's hard...being the only girl," Minho whispered.

Ivy smiled and sighed loudly. He believed she'd came to visit them, her friends, but this was the first time she'd been back here since the burial. Bens being the last for her.

Minho moved to leave. His feet shuffling through the overgrown grass, he held out a hesitant hand. Hoping Ivy would take it, allowing him to help her out of the mess he'd created.

She hesitated before taking his hand, gripping it tightly within her own. Minho smiled, whispering an "ok" as he began to walk. Leading her away from the Deadheads, the rotten smell starting to weaken.

When they neared the Homestead, the snores of the Gladers became thicker. Some faking so they wouldn't get caught eavesdropping, but Ivy knew they heard nothing. The Deadheads being out of their hearing range.

"They didn't hear anything, we were to far away," Minho assured her, his hand slipping away from hers as they neared their hammocks.

"Thanks...for walking me. I guess I'll see you at dawn," Ivy replied. Her own voice scaring her with how low it'd dropped; how sad it sounded.

Minho turned away, slowly sprinting to his own hammock a few meters away from her own. They all slept relatively close. A sort of safety precaution in case something did come after them.

"Hey Ivy!" Minho called.

Ivy turned. Her boots just beginning to slid off as she leaned back against the pole holding up the roof. Minho had stopped beside his hammock, a grin forming on his chapped lips. "I want you to teach me," he whispered.

She scoffed, turning back to her hammock where she sat gently. "I'll have to think it over, you really aren't a good listener," she replied.

Minho huffed, turning to his hammock where he slid off his boots. Ivy knew he truly wanted to learn, but she didn't want to risk another Glader like she risked Newt. She almost got him hurt, maybe even killed. There was no telling if another was lurking around them, preparing to sting as they raced around the corner. Prepared to kill.

The very thought gave Ivy a sense of uneasiness, making her want to apologize to Newt. She glared over at his hammock, his form barely visible in the darkness as he slept. She'd do it in the morning, before her and the Runners left for the maze.

Ivy gulped. "Nobody else will die."

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