The Airport

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"I don't understand, you're coming alone?" I sighed, standing in the middle of the line to get into airport security. My phone was pressed to my ear, my other hand was on the brim of my Yankees baseball hat as I was trying to shield my face. My eyes started to sting.

"What's not to understand? I don't need a plus one anymore." I said to my best friend in the entire world. The man standing in front of me, with his designer bag, kept glancing back at me as if he wanted to say something. Today, I was too exhausted to care. Thankfully I had the decent sense to dress decently; in my black leggings, long sleeve grey shirt, and designer coat that traveled past my waist. At least I didn't look as terrible as I felt.

"Oh." Trinity said from the other end of the line. In the background, I could hear the muted sounds of waves, beaches, and bottomless drinks. Which was what awaited me when I got there. It was probably the only thing holding me together. "Well I don't know if we can make a change this late," she said and I felt my eyes stinging again, "but, I'm sure no one will notice one empty seat. I'll move someone up to that table." As if she knew how I was feeling she added the last bit, and I knew it was more for me than it was for her. "What time are you getting here? I'll have a drink waiting for you." She said and I smiled; she knew me very well. "If you're at the airport now, it's what 4 hours from LA?"

"I'm not coming from LA; I'm coming from London."

"What were you doing in London, Ontario?"

"Not, Ontario, England." I said as Trinity put her hand over the phone.

"It's Mel, yes I'll have another one." Her muffled voice said. "Wait, I'm confused." I could almost see her sitting up in her beach chair. "What are you doing in England?"

"I'm her for work Trin." I said it was the half-truth.

"Doesn't your boyfriend also live there?"

"Sometimes, he has a place in LA too."

"Woah is this guy loaded or something?" I rolled my eyes as the line moved forward and ignored the looks from the people around me.

"Trin, I have to go, I'm in the security line." I said trying my best to hide the annoyance and pain from my voice.

"Oh, right. Alright well how many hours until you're here then?"

"Like 15." I said giving the man in front of me a polite smile as he looked at me again.

"15! That's so far away."

"Well, it's over 8 to New York and then another 4 down to Cancun." I said trying to explain to her.

"That only adds up to 12."

"Well I have a layover, and plus I have to go through customs..." She groaned.

"Customs here is always a bitch, we won't see you until tomorrow evening."

"I'll text you when I land Trin, but I do have to go." I said as the border patrol officer was now giving me a raised eyebrow look. I was nearing the entrance, and the signs that had a red line through the cellphone were more prominent now.

"Okay, okay. Well, text me when you land in New York."

"You'll be asleep. I love you, bye." I said quickly and then hung up the phone over her voice. When she was drunk Trinity could talk for hours. I smiled politely at the woman at the front who did not look pleased. "My friends, a bridezilla." I said as if it explained everything.

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