Cancún, Mexico

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The air was hot a humid when I landed in Mexico. Once the cabin door opened, the plane was filled with the humidity and suddenly every piece of my clothing started to stick to my skin with sweat I hadn't realized was there. The only way I survived the trip onto the tarmac and under the mid morning sun was because the fabric that my shirt was made of was absorbent and meant for working out. Th airport wasn't much better; there was air-conditioning and fans, but also a lot of people crammed into one giant room.

Whenever Henry and I traveled, we traveled first-class in everything we did. From plane to the car. I hadn't had the time, nor the effort to change any of it, so when I went through the first class customs line I had to explain to the officer why my boyfriend wasn't with me, since we had bought the tickets together and I only gave notice he wasn't coming when I had checked in my own seat.

Then there was the chauffeur; standing and waiting with a sign that read; 'Henry Cavil'. I felt my heart chatter slightly at the sight. Instead of explaining myself to him, I decided instead to get a cab on my own. I knew there would be a lot of explaining to do when I got to the resort, I didn't feel like starting now. Only when I was inside the cab and on my way to the resort did I feel a pang of guilt for the driver, who would probably wait there all day for him. For Superman.

It also didn't stop there. When I got to the hotel I checked into my room, only to find it covered in rose petals and a bottle of champagne sitting in the middle of the table. The bed was large and looked plush with a white duvet and enough pillows for at least a dozen people. There was a small table and couch facing a television, and the balcony had a small jacuzzi tub on it and two lounging chairs. The bathroom was impressive; with a shower and a jacuzzi tub. The shower had many different features and functions and I found myself picturing all the different ways we could have made love in it.

Instead of dwelling on all the ways we could have enjoyed the room, I changed into a swimsuit, a skimpy once since I thought I was coming on vacation with my hot boyfriend, and a pair of shorts and tank top. I hardly checked myself out in the mirror before I left the room. My first stop was the front desk; I needed someone to clean the place up; I didn't want to look at any of it.

"Hi, can I have my room cleaned please?" I asked the lady I had spoken too when I had checked in.

"I'm sorry, was it not clean when you arrived?" She asked, a little panic in her voice. Her fingers began typing on her computer.

"It was perfect, it's just covered in rose petals, and since my boyfriend is not here with me..." The woman smiled.

"I understand. I will send someone right away." I smiled.

"You're here!" Someone screamed from behind me. I turned to see Trinity, dressed in a pair of tight short jean shorts, and a skimpy bikini top. She had a drink in her hand and her fiancé; Tyler was standing close by with Savannah; who had her sunglasses down and her hair was a mess. She looked very hungover. Trinity came running over, almost spilling her drink. She threw her arms around me. When she hugged me, I didn't realize how much I had needed it.

"Yes, I made it." I said as she let me go.

"How? We thought it was going to take you like 16 hours?" Savannah asked and I smiled.

"I got lucky I guess." I said shrugging.

"Ma'am?" The woman from the front desk said and I turned slightly towards her. "We apologize for the inconvenience, I have sent someone up to clean the rose petals, however the champagne is something we offer all of our first-class guests, would you like to keep that?"

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