(LAST) *Revelation 5*

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The truth #5

"I'm your one and only sister, Annalyn," she lift one of her hand, gesturing to shake hands.

"You must be wrong, i'm an only child," i explained.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she immediately smiled.

"I'm Annalyn Anderson, a.k.a the unknown A," a smiled turned into grin as her dimples showed up.

"Why you knew a lot of things about me?" i wonder, still feels like this is somehow wrong. It didn't feels right.

"Because you're my little sister, i'm sorry i just showed up all of a sudden." an apologetic smile plastered on her lips.

"Come inside first," I cut off the conversation as she followed my order.

"Then why are you interested in your sister?" I opened up a conversation while we're heading the way on the couch.

"Interested in a blood related way," she chuckled as she pulled up her transparent eyeglasses, an outer thin line surrounded the gold color beyond the lenses.

"Did i really have a sibling?" i bit my lower lip as she laughed all of a sudden.

"Yup, and that's me..., i'm your half sister,"

My mouth literally opened as her laughter minimized, her expression turned into a serious one.

"Our mom jamie didn't say that thing to you?" she bit her lower lip as she confusedly stares at me.


"Annalyn, you're finally here!" my mom's voice suddenly came out of nowhere.

She sits beside my so called "sister" as she glance right through my way.

"Who is she mom?" as this questioned
escaped from my mouth. Her smiles suddenly gone. It turns to a frown.

She stares at me with an apologetic eyes so as smile.

"She's your half sister. Her father is Emanuel," my jaw immediately dropped as I massage my temples in disbelief.

"M-mom? H-how could y-you?" a tear escaped from my eyes as the reality slapped me. My mom cheated on my dad. Why did she do that?

"S-stacy, i'll e-e-explain..." i immediately stands up as i made my way upstairs.

I didn't mind mom's pleasing voice as I cried and locked up myself in my room the whole-night.

"Bitch.....!" a sudden consecutive knocks interrupts my sleepless-self.

I groaned as the door opened. Probably they talked to yaya rita for them to got up the keys and opened my goddamn room!

I'm about to hissed over her but suddenly her stipulated aura confused me.

Frustration replicates her eyes as she abruptly speaks.

"S-stacy, h-hazelle is about to g-go to f-france."

*fast forward

"S-stacy?" her eyes widened.

I immediately hugged her as my whole-body weakened. Tears rolled down on my cheeks.

She stiffened for awhile but afterwards, she did the same thing as i do.

I cleared my throat as I detached myself from the tangible affection as I straighten up and held her hands.

"You're my amrielle."

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