Chapter 5

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{Hazels POV}
As I was looken at the vans some dude ran into me and knocked me down I looked up to only find some hot ass dude with brown hair and Hazel eyes like mine. "Sorry I wasn't watching were I was going." the mystery boy said while helping me up.
"Uh.....i-i-t-ts ok." fuck I stuttered, he chuckled lightly before saying, "Uh my name is Dylan Dauzat, what yours?" He asked while putting his hands into his pockets, "Im Andy Hazel Rose nice to meet you" I blushed lightly and so did he.

He was cute, "Uh can I have your number so we can maybe hang out some other time, I-I-I mean if you want to?" He questioned, "It's fine, here" I handed him my phone and he put his number in and texted himself so that he had my phone number.

He handed me my phone and he had put his contact name as 'Dyl😍❤️😘🙊', I giggled lightly to myself. I looked up to meet Dylan's eyes and saw his cheeks flash a light shade of pink. Aww.

"Well I should be heading out it was nice be meeting you by the way Hazel."
Dylan said emphasizing 'hazel'. To be honest it was quite attractive.

"Yeah it was nice meeting you to Dylan." I said while smiling like and idiot.

"I'll text you later, bye beautiful." Dylan smirked and winked at me. I could feel my cheeks heat up. Ugh.

As Dylan walked away I couldn't help but feel someone was stare at me, turned around and saw all the boys and Maya looking at my direction with a questioning look on their faces, I shrugged it off and kept looking at the vans.

As we walked out Cameron spoke up and said, "We should watch a movie here."

"Sure, what time is it though." I asked while looking around at the different stores.

"Uh......Its 5:24, Why?" Matt had asked,
"Cause I wanted to ask if you all wanted to head to my house after the movie we don't have homework so I figured we could all hangout at my place." I replied.

"Yeah sure." Maya paused, "Do you wanna go for a while babe." she asked Matt. Wow did she say 'babe' I did not see that coming. I guess Maya saw my expression and mouthed, "I'll tell you later" I just nodded and continued to walk down the mall into Zumies my fav store.
As we waited in line to pay for our tickets we made small talk, "So what movie are we going to see?" I asked, "We should watch no good deed or that think like a man 2" Shawn said, "I wanna see both but mostly 'Think like a Man 2' so let's just watch that." they all nodded their heads.

"Hello welcome to AMC theater how may I help you " the girl on the other side asked cheeky, "Hi I'll have 1 adult ticket for think like a men 2,thanks." I said handing her $10, "Here you go." she said handing me my ticket not taking her eyes off Shawn, huh.

As we all got seated in the third row I got up and said that I was gonna go get some nachos they said ok. When I walked up to the dude on the other side of the island I asked if I could get some nachos he said ok.

As I waited on my nachos I heard a lot of laughter coming from my left side I turned around and saw non other than the Taylor Caniff and his friend, Dillon Rupp and Michael Wood. They looked towards my direction, I quickly shifted my head to the right as the dude handed me my nachos, I payed and left from their as fast as I could. Shit.

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